101082976 – HWCA - ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE (HWCA)




101082976 – HWCA - ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE (HWCA)

"Human Capacity Development for the Water Sector of Central Asia to Strengthen Resilience to Climate Change and Support Sustainable Development, Peace and Security (HWCA)

Brief description of the project:

Improving water resources management and strengthening regional cooperation. The overall objective of the project is to support the relevance, quality, modernization and responsiveness of MA/MSc curricula on water governance and water diplomacy offered by HEIs of Central Asian countries. The project will help partner universities to establish conditions for the training of a new generation of managers and decision-makers for the water sector of Central Asia, including water diplomats, who can help resolve problems accumulated in the last three decades and effectively address new challenges, in particular climate change and water stress, through fostering cross-disciplinary, cross-sector and cross-country dialogues. The project will build capacities needed to promote and implement integrated water resources management, as well as adaptive water governance, strengthen regional cooperation and achieve more effective mobilization and utilization of private investment and international assistance.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • The development of a multilateral partnership among universities and knowledge institutions of the European Union and Central Asian countries to improve the relevance and quality and contribute to the modernization and responsiveness of higher education in the latter by designing innovative, new MA/MSc curricula or reforming and introducing innovative elements in existing curricula in two areas of specialization - water governance and water diplomacy.
  • Raising the qualifications of up to 40 instructors and preparing updated or new teaching materials
  • Developing appropriate quality assurance policies and procedures in accordance with European and international quality standards and regulations.
  • Enabling Central Asian partners to commence the accreditation process of the new MA/MSc programmes in 12 universities and start teaching the new curricula, with the potential to enroll up to 500 students in a two year period.
  • Setting up a regional programme for continuous professional development and research for instructors and graduates of the master’s programmes in order to ensure sustainability.
  • Engaging participants of the regional programme for continuous professional development and research in teaching the curricula updated or newly developed at partner universities, among other by signing MoU-s between the programme and participating universities.

Project Coordinator - Diplomatic Academy

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyzstan

Рeriod : 01.05.2023-01.05.2026

Project budget: 800 000 EURO
