Reception phone: 8 (7262) 42-65-52

Address:Taraz, Satbaev ave., 28, 6.2-205

Аbout the institute

The mission of the Institute is to provide high-quality education that meets international standards, training competitive specialists, as well as the formation of a highly moral personality with modern professional and other sought-after competencies. The main tools are specific scientific achievements that meet the needs of society, the state and the individual, the introduction of modern teaching methods into the educational process, mobile and dynamic learning that flexibly responds to global changes and ensures the advanced development of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the Institute is to form the basic professional competencies of future specialists, to provide modern, high-quality theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

In total, the Institute has more than 1,900 students and undergraduates and doctoral students in the educational programs 8D08612 - "Land reclamation and irrigated agriculture" and 8D07411 – "Hydraulic engineering and structures".

Since the 2021-2022 academic year, the Institute of Water Management, Ecology and Construction and the Faculty of Oil and Gas Engineering and Mechanics have been combined, and the Institute of Water Management and Environmental Management has been established. Currently, the Institute employs 164 faculty members. Of these, 27 doctors of Science and PhD, 42 candidates and . holders of a scientific scholarship

The following departments work as part of the Institute "Water Management and Natural Resources":

  1. Land reclamation and agronomy
  2. Water resources
  3. Land management and cadastre
  4. Architecture and construction production
  5. Ecology and life safety
  6. Construction and production of materials
  7. Transport and mechanical engineering
  8. Oil and gas and mining
  9. Energy


  1. solving the shortage of personnel in the most important sectors of the region
  • Water, Geology, ecology
  • Mining
  • Energy and mechanical engineering
  • Oil and gas industry
  • Logistics
  • Construction
  • Architecture
  • Cadastre
  1. Solving the problems of the region through scientific research:
  • Land Sciences
  • New materials
  • New technologies in the mining and processing and metallurgical industries
  • New technologies in mining, energy, oil and gas industry
  1. Directions of the Institute for Technology commercialization:
  • Аlternative energy sources
  • Oil and gas industry
  • Ore dressing
  • Construction
  • Hydroenergetics
  • Water-saving technologies
Dean's office

Director of the Institute

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

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Address: st. Satpayev, 28, 6.1-338

Ask a question


Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work


Contact number: 8-747-684-2750

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Zholamanov Nurzhan Zhakanuly
Zholamanov Nurzhan Zhakanuly

Deputy Director for Scientific Work


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Bainazarov Ulan
Bainazarov Ulan

Deputy Director for Educational and Personnel Work


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Erzhanova Aisulu Galymzhanovna
Erzhanova Aisulu Galymzhanovna

Computer operator

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Material and technical base

The Institute has specialized laboratories where modern educational and scientific research is carried out. There are specialized classrooms and rooms equipped with computers and interactive whiteboards, etc.

For the organization of the educational process, research work in the areas of training bachelors and postgraduate professional education (magistracy), the teaching staff use laboratories and specialized rooms, for example,  the department "Construction and production of materials" - the interactive classroom "Building structures" (arrange practical classes) has an area of ​​36 m2. It is also a «Center for Chemical Technologies named after S. Suleimenov"and can be used for laboratory work( area - 48 m2) and has the necessary equipment for conducting training sessions.

The Department of Land Management and Cadastre is equipped with specialized classes, modern geodetic measuring equipment (Topcon GPT3105 electronic total station, VEGA TEO20 theodolite; Sokkia SDL-30 level) and introduced an innovative teaching technology.

The Department of Architecture and Construction Production is equipped with specialized classes, modern computers and plotters for the performance of diploma works. Laboratory rooms "Drawings and paintings".

At the Department of Biology, there is an educational research and production center "Phytochemistry" equipped with modern equipment manufactured by Nanjue (Shanghai, China).

SRPC "Phytochemistry" - engaged in the project "Research of plant raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan, separation of chemical compounds, study of their biological activity and production of new medicines for export" was formed in 2014

The department of "Biology"also  has a modern greenhouse "Жылыжай" - this is an experimental site built using the innovative technology of the South Korean company "KOREAGREENHOUSE CO LTD". The territory is 8 acres in length. The greenhouse is computerized - an automatic drip irrigation system is used. As an experiment, the greenhouse uses a cultivation method using a substrate of Mahitos tomatoes, Flamingo peppers and different varieties of cucumbers with high productivity. In the greenhouse " Жылыжай" independent work of students with teachers (SIW) on the topic "Anatomical and morphological features of plants" takes place.

The Department of "Ecology" has a laboratory "Environmental Impact Assessment". The laboratory is fully equipped with technical equipment for laboratory experiments. From the 2014-2015 academic year, a branch of the department was opened in the "Department of Ecology", and from the 2019-2020 academic year, the branch of the department operates on the basis of SRPC LLP "KazPhosphate".  BA and MA students practice their theoretical knowledge based on the branch of the department. Also they have production, research, pre-graduation practice there.

In 2016, the Technosphere Safety laboratory was opened at the Department of Life Safety and equipped with more than 15 million tenge equipment. (an interactive training complex, a set of educational and laboratory equipment, a dynamic 3D model, training robots, lux meters, anemometers, sound level meters). There are also lecture halls with special stands designed for teaching  BA and MA students and use  them in research, coursework, as well as in theses.

The area of ​​educational and research laboratories of the Department of Water Resources is 1596 m2 and consists of 6 specialized laboratories: hydraulics, hydraulic structures, pumps and pumping stations, hydropower, technology and organization of land reclamation and hydraulic engineering, agricultural water supply. In 2013, new laboratory, equipment from the British company Armfield, was purchased for 92 million tenge and the laboratories were repaired for 10 million tenge. In the educational and scientific laboratory, teachers, BA, MA and PhD students conduct research, and the same equipment is used in the educational process.


The employees of the institute are holders of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best teacher of the university" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in different years they were doctor of Technical Sciences, professors: A.A. Abduramanov. (2006), Sagyndykov A.A. (2007), Sennikov M.N., Dzhumabekov A.A. (2007), Seitkaziev A.S. (2009), Inkarbekov N.O. (2013), Sagyndykov A.A. (2014).

Inkarbekov N.O., Ph.D., Professor of Dulaty University,  in the frame of international program Erasmus + , took part in the implementation of project No. 574056-EEP-1-2016-1-PL- EPPKA2-CBHE-SP “Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development” (SUSDEV) at the Royal Institute of Technology (27.02.2019-01.03.2019,  Stockholm, Sweden)

On March 14-15, 2019, on the basis of  IOC KazGASA, the annual Republican subject Olympiad was held. The 2nd class honours  was awarded to Artaeva Sandugash -the 2nd year student of SP 5B073000.

 In 2019-2020 the Republican review-competition of diploma projects and master's theses in the framework of SMC RSMC in the direction of "Architecture and Construction" (November 12-13, 2019, IOC, KazGASA, Almaty) was held. Berdibekuly Damir , SP 5В073000,  won the 3rd place (scientific adviser - Ph.D., associate professor Bayalieva G.M.).

IX International Festival of Review Competition of Diploma Projects and Master's Theses of Architectural, Civil Engineering and Design Schools of Eurasia (November 14-18, 2019, Tashkent, Uzbekistan). Berdibekuly Damir, SP 5В073000, won the 2nd place (supervisor - Ph.D., associate professor Bayalieva G.M.).

Mukashev Aydos- SP 5В042000 – Architecture, the 4th year student of “Architecture and Construction Production” Department was awarded for his achievements in table tennis. He took the  1st place in the table tennis competition among youths and  among universities of Zhambyl oblast, dedicated to the "Year of Youth" 2019.

The Ist Republican competition for awarding the title of "Art" was held in the city Nur – Sultan (November 23-24, 2019).A creative competition among children and adolescents, in the nomination for the best performance of "Folk Instruments" ensemble "Tumar" won the Grand Prix.This competition was attended by Askarov Diaz- a third-year student of SP 5B042000 - Architecture.

Kumekbaev Baқtybai – SP 5B042000 – Architecture, the 4th year student of “Architecture and Construction Production” Department won the 1st place with his logo in the competition "Brandbook of the city of Taraz" (23.08.2020) Now this logo will be the brand of our city and will be placed on various objects of the beloved city of Taraz.

Akhmetov Ergali Seilbekovich -  candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, the head of “Land Management and Cadastre” Department, was awarded the badge "Honorary Cartographer" established by the Republican State Treasury Enterprise "National Cartographic and Geodetic Fund" (05.10.2020). The academic staff of the faculty, sincerely wish him health and success in  work.   

Balseitova Dana – SP 5B090300, a 3rd year student of “Land Management and Cadastre” Department was awarded the title " The best Student-2020", a certificate and a diploma of the 1st degree. She took part in the competition organized by the Association "National Movement" Bobek "among scientific and educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States. According to the results of the competition, the student's work was included in the "II International Encyclopedia of Talented Youth" (06.11.2020). A special letter of gratitude was awarded to Akhmetov Ergali Seilbekovich- the scientific adviser, Ph.D., associate professor.


The material and technical base of the Institute "Water Management and Environmental Management" is well equipped. The scientific work performed at the departments is carried out in the following specialized scientific laboratories: "Hydraulics and hydraulic engineering", "Building materials and structures", "Irrigation equipment landfill", "Laboratory for obtaining special medicinal plants and greenhouse for growing greenery", "Special laboratory for geodetic measurements" and equipped with modern devices and structures.

In order to integrate science and production, the departments closely cooperate with the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Taraz, design institutions "Meken-zhai Taraz", "Kurylys Consulting", LLP "KazNIISA" (Taraz) and RSE "Kazvodkhoz"; "Shu-Talas basin Inspection"; "Land Cadastre and technical inspection of real estate"; LLP "KazTransGas Aimak" and "Amangeldigaz".

Currently, the heads of research works at the departments are:

- Associate professor of the department Kabdushev A. A. - Won a scientific project on the topic: "Development of grouting solutions with differential properties " in the amount of 48,000,000 tenge.

- a scientific project "Introduction of technologies for effective conservation, purification and use of water in Kazakhstan" has been developed and sent to competitions on scientific and scientific-technical programs. The total cost is 400 million tenge. Head Koibakov S. M., Performers: Zholdasov S. K., Zholamanov N. Zh., Imanaliev T.

- under the guidance of Professor of Western Michigan University Zhanai Sagyn, a project was sent for an international grant worth 38,000 US dollars.

For an innovatively developed society, a special place is occupied by research work in the training of highly qualified teachers, undergraduates, students who are able to think creatively and make informed and informed decisions in a rapidly changing external environment.

The preparation of scientific articles based on the results of scientific research is published in publications included in the database with a high impact factor recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at conferences and publications held at the international and national levels.

Scientific work is carried out in scientific circles: "Hydraulic engineer", "Tulpar", " Land surveyor ", "Agromeliorator", "Silicate", "Subsoil User", "Architect", "Power Engineer", "Machine builder", "Sunkar", "Tabigat" with the participation of bachelors, undergraduates and doctoral students, mainly in accordance with the scientific directions of each department.

Educational and Methodical work

The Institute for Water Management, Ecology and Construction includes 8 departments. At the departments new study programs have been drawn up in 2019-2020 academic year,. The educational and methodological process at the institute is focused on the introduction of new educational technologies and a smooth transition to digitalization. The departments are equipped with an educational and practical center, classrooms, as well as for conducting classes on innovative teaching technology. For the preparation of qualified specialists, the academic staff has done a lot of educational and methodological work. Working curricula, curriculum, syllabuses for the courses of the department have been developed and approved. Programs and guidelines have been developed for the passage of educational, industrial, pre-diploma practice. Methodological guidelines have been developed for the implementation of term papers and theses. The topic of the thesis is of a research nature and is carried out by orders of enterprises. The academic staff use various software in their activities, create innovative ones and introduce them into the educational process.

The institute conducts scientific and methodological seminars, where the problems of education in higher education, methods of applying modern educational technologies are studied and discussed.

Teachers are actively introducing author's audio and video products into the educational process, they practice conducting classes using an interactive whiteboard through slides, flipcharts, etc.

For the subjects read, educational and methodological literature in the state language is being actively developed, this activity is aimed at publishing textbooks and teaching aids. Electronic educational content is being developed for distance learning students.

Educational work

Educational work at the institute is organized in accordance with the plan for the implementation of the goals of the quality sphere and is based on the principles of the unity of the educational system: the creation of methods and forms of the educational process, the development of creative thinking, spiritual, moral and aesthetic culture, as well as the all-round development of students brought up in a multi-confessional and polyethnic culture, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of a civic position and political and legal culture, a complex of educational measures for the development of a harmonious personality is implemented through socio-political and cultural events.

The institute hosts numerous cultural events in various areas of the educational process. Scientific and practical conferences for students of various topics; youth actions; flash mobs, round tables; contests of various creative genres (song and dance contests, the best dorm room design, the best student meals, etc.); sports competitions, Spartakiads; actions for the care of an orphanage, a home for a disabled child, a nursing home; meetings are organized with prominent public and political figures, representatives of law enforcement agencies, health authorities and various religious confessions, correspondents of TV channels and the Republican, regional mass press, writers, artists, etc.

The plan of educational work of the institute was compiled and approved on the basis of the plan of educational work for the academic year.

The purpose of educational work: - to prepare professionally qualified, competitive specialists capable of meeting the requirements of the new time, to cultivate in them Kazakhstani patriotism, tolerance, high moral qualities, to form a harmoniously developed responsible personality.

In the educational institution, with the aim of educating student youth in accordance with their knowledge, ability to adapt to changes in the market period, to be interested in the fate and future of the nation, to be patriotic. “The concept of educational work of TarRU named after M.Kh. Dulaty «was adopted. Based on this concept, an annual work plan was developed in 12 areas of educational work, youth policy and the development of the state language for each academic year. The educational work plan determines the strategic structure, priority directions and goals, the mechanism and timing of the implementation of the educational work system at the university.

The main functions of educational work include:

  • carrying out educational work in accordance with the regulatory legal acts and administrative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international and republican quality standards, the University Charter;
  • development, approval of concepts of plans, etc., documents on the educational process, control over their implementation;
  • consideration of reports of departments on EW, curators of academic groups and other public organizations on the state of the organization of educational work, measures to improve it and the implementation of the planned activities on EW;
  • implementation of quality checks of plans and reports on the EW of the department, student public organizations of the institute, their actual implementation;
  • planning and organizing the work of the Council of Curators, the Council for EW, the Council for the Prevention of Offenses, the Fight against Corruption and the Council for Ethics;
  • assistance in creating favorable conditions for individual development and spiritual and moral formation of the student's personality;
  • improving the organization of educational work and promoting healthy lifestyles at the institute.

Educational work is carried out in 12 areas:

  1. Organizational and methodological work;
  2. Youth policy;
  3. Civil-patriotic education;
  4. Military-patriotic education;
  5. Spiritual and moral education;
  6. Legal education;
  7. Development of creativity of students;
  8. Physical education;
  9. Formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  10. Labor education;
  11. Curatorial work;
  12. Student hostel.