Students of Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty actively participate in international, republican, regional, city and intra-university competitions.

Every year more than 100 students of our university become winners of competitions of various levels.

For example, in the competition for personal monthly scholarships among Kazakhstani students, annually organized by the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, students of Dulaty University actively participate and become winners - owners of personal scholarships of the Foundation.

For the last 3 years 57 students of our university took part in the competition for student scholarships of the Foundation, of which 11 students were recognized as winners:

- In 2023 4 students of our university became the owners of personal student scholarships of Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2024 academic year: 

  1. Bekturganova Shiraylim Faculty of Technology (FT), 4th year, Educational program(EP) «6В02111 – Fashion Design».
  2. Bayramova Zukhra Faculty of Natural Sciences (FNS), 3rd year, EP «6В05112 – General biology».
  3. Lyuft Daniil - Institute of Water Management and Environmental Management (IWMEM), 5th year, ОП«6В07318 – Architecture of the urban environment».
  4. Mamiraly Nazgul – FT, 4th year, EP «6В05413 – Mathematics and mathematics teaching».

Bekturganova Shiraylim, Bayramova Zukhra, Lyuft Daniil, Mamiraly Nazgul - holders of personal student scholarships of Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation for 2023-2024 academic year, Almaty, 2023

- In 2022 4 students of our university became the owners of personal student scholarships of Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2023 academic year:

  1. Amantay Akniyet, IWMEM, 4thyear, Educational Program "Ecology and Nature Management";
  2. Manoshkina Yekaterina, Institute "Ustaz", 3rd year, Educational Program "Teacher training in foreign languages";
  3. Makhmut Asima, Faculty of Informational Technology (FIT), 3rd year, Educational Program "Mathematics and Mathematics Teaching";
  4. Lukyanenko Yekaterina, FEL Faculty of Economics and Law, 3rd year, Educational Program "Criminal Law and Procedure".

Amantay Akniyet, Manoshkina Yekaterina, Makhmut Asima, Lukyanenko Yekaterina- winners of personal student scholarships of Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation for 2022 2023 academic year, Almaty, 2022

- In 2021 3 students of our university became the owners of personal student scholarships of Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  1. Zhamankara Ayaulym, Faculty of Humanitarian and Social Sciences (FHSS), 3rd year, Educational Program "Convergence Journalism";
  2. Satkozhayeva Elvira, FIT, 3rd year, Educational Program "Mathematics-Statistics";
  3. Nurlankyzy Madina, FEL, 4th year, Educational Program "Finances".

Zhamankara Ayaulym, Satkozhayeva Elvira, Nurlankyzy Madina - winners of personal student scholarships of Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation for 2021-2022 academic year, Almaty, 2021

In March 2024, 9 projects were sent by students of our university to the VII International Competition of scientific papers and creative projects of students and undergraduates on the use of ICT on the basis of Karaganda University named after Academician Ye.A. Buketov. According to the results of the competition 3 projects of students of our university took prizes:

  1. Seidazimov Aibek – student of the Department of "Physics and Informatics" of the Faculty of Natural Sciences took 2nd place.
  2. Beksary Diana - student of the Department of "Automation and Telecommunication" of the Faculty of Technology took the 3rd place.
  3. Akhmetshin Rim - master student of the 1st year of the department "Applied Informatics and Programming" of the Faculty of Technology took the 3rd place.

In March 2024, the 2nd year students of the department of "Applied Computer Science and Programming" of the Faculty of Technology Azizkhanov Toir, Baiterekov Chingizgoryai (team "Seekers of wealth") took the 3rd place in Pizza Pitch project Zhambyl IT Hub on the topic "Music meld" - an innovative application for creating and sharing music, through which you can not only listen to music, but also show your talent and find a producer.

In January 2023 students of the 2nd year of the department "Social Psychology" Dzhakipbekova Kurmanzhan took the 1st prize, Baum Arina, Yevstifeeva Dariya took the 2nd prize in the XXVIІІ International Symposium "Psychological problems of the meaning of life and acme", organized by the "Institute of Psychology" of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow.

In February 2023, student Artel Dariya (FEL, 6B04214-Jurisprudence) for her work on the topic: "Legal regulation of determining shares in the common property of spouses" took 1st place in the V International Research Competition "Best Research Paper", organized by the Research Center "Innova", resort city of Anapa. Russia.

In February 2023, the team of students of the department of "Applied Informatics and Programming" Shabdenbek Ansar, Ukibayeva Yerkezhan, Akhmetkaliyev Anizar, Bayterekov Chingizgoryay in the competition for submission of IT-business ideas StartupIDEA-BATTLE from AstanaHub entered the top ten among 40 teams, receiving cash sponsorship in the amount of 500 thousand tenge.

In April 2023, a team of 2nd and 3rd year students of the department of "Physics and IT" of the institute "Ustaz" (Abuova A. - Inf 21-1, Seydazimov A. - Inf 21-1, Islamov D. - Inf 21-1, Aueskhanova I. - Inf 21-1; Tairbekova G. - Inf 20-1, Taupayeva L. - Inf 20-1) took the 3rd prize in the national competition Smart City Hackathon, held in KazNU named after Al-Farabi and received a certificate in the amount of 150,000 tenge.

April 20-21, 2023 in the Republican Hackathon among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan "AtyrauSmartTeamHackathon", held in the NCJSC “Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov” the team of students of the department of "Applied Informatics and Programming" Shaynusov Ramil, Berikbay Nurbek took 2nd place and received a cash prize of 150 thousand tenge, the team of students of the department of "Applied Informatics and Programming" Sametdinov Ilyes, Pazylkhanov Yerzat - received a certificate and a cash prize of 25 thousand tenge.

Student Sungat Dana (FEL, 6B04214-Jurisprudence) for her work on the topic: "Legal problems of small business development in Kazakhstan" received the 1st degree winner diploma in the VII International Research Contest "Best Student Work-2023", organized by the International Center for Scientific Cooperation "Science and Enlightenment", Penza, Russian Federation.

In October 2023, a team of students of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies - Darkhanbek Ayaulym, Ismail Ayaulym, Kanzhan Ayaulym, Kanatbek Ulzhan became winners in the intellectual team competition "Student Energy Challenge" of the Association "KAZENERGY" in partnership and with the financial support of the company "Shell Kazakhstan B.V." and received a prize fund of 5000 USD for the realization of their project "Manufacturing of membrane filters using agricultural waste and natural resources".

In December 2023, 10 applications were submitted by students of Dulaty University to the competition for awarding a grant of 500,000 tenge "Generations of Independence" of the Youth Resource Center of the Department of Internal Policy of the akimat of Taraz city, of which 5 were the Winners:

  1. Seydazimov Aybek, Islamov Dinmukhamed, Ashimbekov Asylbek - students of the "Physics and IT" Department became winners in the nomination "Information Technologies".
  2. 2. Zharylkasyn Dana, a student of the "World Languages" Department, became the winner in the nomination "Business".
  3. Musa Nurdaulet, a student of the "Philology and Journalism" Department, became the winner in the nomination "Business".
  4. 4. Orakbayeva Margaret, a student of the "Physics and Informatics" Department, became the winner in the nomination "Media".
  5. 5. Aknamuradov Adlet - student of the "Music and Art Education" Department became the winner in the nomination "Science".

Awarding of winners took place on December 27, 2023 in Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Taraz city. The winners were awarded Diplomas and certificates in the amount of 500,000 tenge!

In December 2023, the student of the "Land Reclamation and Agronomy" Department Aueskhanova Aliman became the winner in the competition of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan on awarding a grant of 3 000 000 tenge "Generations of Independence" in the nomination "Media" for the realization of her project "Anti nakroTik Tok".

In 23rd March 2022 the student of the 3rd year, Educational program "Finances" Asylbekova Aruzhan became the winner in the VI International competition of scientific works among students of higher educational institutions on transport economic problems on the theme "Economics of the unified transport system", held by the Russian University of Transport, Moscow

In 15th of February 2022, students of IWMEM Bolatbek Aruzhan and Inkarbek Meruert received the Winner's Diploma for their scientific work "Accounting and assessment of agricultural land" in the V International Research Competition "Young Scientist", organized by the International Center for Scientific Cooperation "Science and Enlightenment", Russian Federation, Penza

In 3rd March 2022 students of the specialty "Architecture" IWMEM Tulebayeva A., Raimkhanov A., Kosakova M., Kuderiyeva M. took the 1st place in the International competition of scientific, methodological and creative works "Homeland: society, security, ecology", organized by Izhevsk State Technical University named after Kalashnikov", Kirov.

In August 2022, students of Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty took part in the Project Accelerator of the Moscow House of Compatriots.

Teams from 7 countries participated in the Project Accelerator: Belarus, Lugansk People's Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

It was the team from Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty "YOURPATH" was honored to represent Kazakhstan in the international arena, becoming finalists of the first qualifying stage among 5 participating teams from Kazakhstan.

In Moscow, the team gained invaluable experience, which they plan to share with students in the future and develop project activities at a new level in our country.

Kalmash Anel (Ustaz) was awarded the Diploma of the 1st degree, Yerbolatova Aysha (Ustaz) was awarded the Diploma of the 2nd degree, Akbergenova Damira, Akhmedova Maral, Yrbolatova Aysha (Ustaz) were awarded Diplomas of the 3rd degree in the International competition "Planet of Knowledge", Teplica, Czech Republic, 2021.

In 2021 Dulaty University students Doniyor Sharakhmanov (3rd year, Institute of "Water Management and Environmental Engineering"), Alexander Skalkin and Sanzhar Suleimenov (2nd year, Institute of "Ustaz") took the first place in the finals of the project "Sciens - Slam - Kazakhstan" in the framework of the I International Forum of Young Scientists "Intellectual potential of independent Kazakhstan: 30 years of formation and development", which was held in Almaty, in the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation.

Doniyor Sharakhmanov, Alexander Skalkin, Sanzhar SuleymenovWinners of the project "Sciens - Slam - Kazakhstan", Almaty, 2021

  In total for the last 3 years, 878 students of "Dulaty" University took part in international, republican, regional, city and university competitions, according to the results of which 392 students became winners, including 111 - winners of international competitions, 156 - republican, 125 - regional, city and university competitions.

            The data of students' participation in competitions for the last 3 years is presented in the table below:


Number of students participating in competitions / Number of winners




total in competitions
















Total for 3 years




