"What are the main values of a modern student?"

Students of the 2-3 year educational program "Training teachers of Russian language and literature" living in the dormitory discussed a number of topical issues:

  1. What are the main values of a modern student?
  2. How have the values of students changed over the past 10-20 years?
  3. Is it easy to be young nowadays?
  4. What determines success in life: hard work, talent or chance, and many others?

As a result of a lively discussion of these issues, the participants in the debate came to the unanimous conclusion that a modern student is a free, independent, creative, proactive person who is not indifferent to the political, social and economic problems of society. Many of them, discussing the main values, named friendship, love, devotion, loyalty, as well as professionalism, responsibility, the ability to self-actualize, take a worthy place in society, and gain recognition.

The event was decorated with a bright, professional performance by 2nd year students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Social Sciences Bolekbai Beksultan, Sapiev Ernur and Bakhtiyar Daryn, who performed sincere folk kuis and songs by famous Kazakh composers.

The event was organized and conducted by associate professors of the department Aladjina A. A., Minaidarova M. E., senior lecturer Mykhanova Zh. B., lecturer Sarsembek Zh.G. 

In conclusion, the students participating in the debate sincerely and cordially thanked the teachers of the department who organized such a useful, relevant event that made them think about the problems of modern students.

senior lecturer Mykhanova Zh.B.

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