The results of a comprehensive internal audit at Dulati University

In accordance with ISO 9001:2015 procedures, in January and February 2024, the Accreditation, Rating and Quality Assurance Department conducted a comprehensive internal audit of the activities of all structural divisions of Dulati University, including departments, deans, departments, centers, etc.

Before the start of the comprehensive audit, the Strategic Development Department held an opening meeting of internal auditors and heads of structural divisions departments where they were familiarized with the audit program and its main criteria.

5 audit groups from among experienced teachers and staff of the department were involved in the work. All auditors have a valid certificate of the Kazakhstan Quality Organization and are certified as «Internal auditors of the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 (ST RK ISO 9001-2016)».

During the inspection, the following was determined:

– 22 structural divisions have activities that meet the requirements:

– in 98 structural divisions, 266 acts of non–compliance were issued, signed by the heads of the relevant services, of which 146 acts indicate significant inconsistencies, 120 - minor ones.

After the end of the internal audit, a closing meeting was held, corrective action plans were drawn up and work was carried out on them. Educational and administrative departments were given up to 2 weeks to correct the identified inconsistencies, and for more complex issues such as building repairs and equipment purchase, a longer period is required to eliminate them with the involvement of the university management and significant financial resources.

All identified nonconformities are recorded in the nonconformity log in order to control their elimination and non-repetition in the future. The results of the conducted comprehensive internal audit were reviewed and discussed at the Academic Council of Dulati University with the adoption of appropriate decisions.










