Dissertation Council on the educational program 8D08612 – "Land reclamation and irrigated agriculture" areas of training 8D086-water resources and water use

Dissertation Council on the educational program 8D08612 – "Land reclamation and irrigated agriculture" areas of training 8D086-water resources and water use

About the council

Created in accordance with Order No. 190 "Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" dated May 2, 2023, subparagraph 15 of paragraph 113 of the Charter of the non-profit joint stock company "M. H. Dulatу Taraz Regional University".

Permanent composition of the Dissertation Council (approved by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector dated May 17, 2023 No. 179- нқ)


Chairman of the Dissertation Council

Academician, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

Director of Scientific Work of Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Water Management LLP

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Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council

Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Professor of K. I. Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University

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Permanent member of the Dissertation Council

Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Professor of "Nazarbayev University", "Global Institute for Water Security"

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Scientific Secretary, Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Director of the Institute

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Regulatory documents

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4.Об утверждении постоянного состава Диссертационного совета

5.Правила присуждения степеней

6.Правила присвоения ученых званий

7.Инструкция по оформлению диссертации на соискание степени доктора философии (PhD), доктора по профилю

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10.Перечень изданий КОКСНВО

11. Инструктивное письмо ККСОН по публикациям в международных изданиях от 4.11.2014

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