

Position Head of the Department, Associate Professor

Academic degree Doctor of History

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Address Building No.2.6 - , aud. -410


The main goal of the department- is to train qualified specialists for effective professional work and competitiveness in the labor market in the specialty "History". Realization of this goal contributes to stimulating the introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process and ensures the quality of education.

In 2023, the name of the department was changed to "History" department. The manager is Ph.D., associate professor E.K. Serikbaev.

Today, 21 professors are working in the department. Among them are 1 professor, 1 associate professor (associate professor), 2 candidates of historical science, 2 PhD doctors and 16 masters - 14 senior lecturers, 2 lecturers.

The department provides the educational process of "History of Kazakhstan" in the 1st year bachelor's degree, "Spiritual continuity" in the 2nd year bachelor's degree of all faculties of the university. The main place in the activity of the department is occupied by teaching, teaching-methodical, scientific and educational work.

The department has textbooks, study and study-methodology, mogography, and electronic tools issued by POK. Baktorazov S.U.- Қазақстанның Оңтүстік өңірінде жүргізілген саяси қуғын-сүргін (1917-1939 гг.) Монография. Tashkaraeva A.M. Abdualy A.B. Otepbergenova G.- Қазақ хандығы отау тіккен киелі. Тажиева Т.Ч., Бескемпірова Ә.М., Елубаева Г.А. - Саяси география, геосаясат негіздері. DB Konysbekova-ҚР және ТМД-ның туристік географиясы.

Scientific directions

According to the R&D plan, the professor-teachers are expected to perform 3 research-research works of applied type. They are:

1. "Social and political activity of Alash personalities and the current period".

2. "Documentary and historiographical bases of the history of Turkestan region".

3. "Tasks of physical geography of Kazakhstan in the present period".

- In this direction, the teaching staff of the department publishes articles on educational and methodological tools, instructions, and scientific articles. "Murager" and "Globus" circles, which regularly organize scientific-methodical conferences and seminars with the participation of schoolchildren, were established in order to introduce science to upper-class students of secondary educational institutions in Zhambyl region. The staff of the department is working with membership of students in the department and clubs "Globus" and "Murager".The leader of the "Globus" club is TazhievaTursunaiChaikhslamovna. Members of the club took part in student conferences, republican competitions on topical issues of the history of the Motherland and geography, and were awarded with special diplomas and prizes.

Historical and educational club "Alash training" works on the basis of the department. According to the work plan of this club, conferences and meetings were held on the topic of Alash.

Organized by the working group of Taraz Regional University named after MH Dulati of the "Commission for Vindication of Victims of Political Persecution", a training course on «Оңтүстік өңірде жүргізілген саяси қуғын-сүргін» was held for employees of secondary, special and higher educational institutions of Zhambyl region.

Educational program

Undergraduate Programs

  • 6В02211 – History

Master Degree Programs

  • 7M02211 – History
The professor-teaching staff
Serikbaev Ermekbay Koibekovich

Position: Head of the Department, Associate Professor

Academic degree: Doctor of History

E-mail: ek.serikbaev@dulaty.kz

Bakhtorazov Seydakhan Ualievich

Position: Professor

Academic degree: Doctor of History, Associate Professor

E-mail: su.bakhtorazov@dulaty.kz

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Seitkulova Zhanna Mambetovna

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: Doctor of History

E-mail: zhm.sejtkulova@dulaty.kz

Tazhieva Tursunay Chaуkhslamovna

Position: associate professor (associate professor)

Academic degree: Doctor (PhD)

E-mail: tch.tazhieva@dulaty.kz

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Tashkarayeva Assel Mukhtarovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

E-mail: am.tashkaraeva@dulaty.kz

Akhatova Gulmira Amangeldiyevna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Historical Sciences

E-mail: ga.akhatova@dulaty.kz

Myrzakhanova Nazgul Rysbekovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Historical Sciences

E-mail: nr.myrzakhanova@dulaty.kz

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Binazarova Nazym Nurlanovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Historical Sciences

E-mail: nn.binazarova@dulaty.kz

Beysembekova Gulbagira Zharkinbekovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Historical Sciences

E-mail: gzh.bejsembekova@dulaty.kz

Myrzakhmet Galia Kenesbayovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Historical Sciences

E-mail: gk.myrzakhmet@dulaty.kz

Kobesova Aknur Smailovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Historical Sciences

E-mail: as.kobesova@dulaty.kz

Aldibayeva Aida Berikovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Historical Sciences

E-mail: ab.aldibaeva@dulaty.kz

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Alpysbaeva Galiya Bakytkyvna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Historical Sciences

E-mail: gb.alpysbaeva@dulaty.kz

Ibraimov Nurzhan Lesbekovich

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Science in Education

E-mail: nl.ibraimov@dulaty.kz

Maksutova Albina Abenovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

E-mail: aa.maksutova@dulaty.kz

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Barlybaeva Laura Ermukhanovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Historical Sciences

E-mail: le.barlybaeva@dulaty.kz

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Orynbaeva Laura Tlegenovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Historical Sciences

E-mail: lt.orynbaeva@dulaty.kz

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Aitakova Saltanat Anarbekovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Historical Sciences

E-mail: sa.ajtakova@dulaty.kz

Konysbekova Kymbat Konysbekovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master's degree

E-mail: kk.konysbekova@dulaty.kz

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Elubaeva Gulshat Akzholovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences

E-mail: ga.elubaeva@dulaty.kz

Beskempirova Aygerim Muratovna

Position: senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Science in Natural Sciences

E-mail: a.beskempirova@dulaty.kz

Malik Umit Berikbolkyzy

Position: lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Humanities


"History of Kazakhstan" department signed agreements on cooperation with the directorate "Protection and restoration of monuments of historical culture", the State Archive of Zhambyl region, Zhambyl regional history and local history museum, secondary school number 51, 53 of Taraz.

The 2nd year students of the specialty "History" during the first weeks of archival practice will stay in the State Archives of Zhambyl region. They get acquainted with departments of formation of National archive fund and check of documents, account and safety of documents, execution of enquiries of social and legal character, publication of documents and scientific reference information, information technologies.

Students of the 3rd year of specialty have an practical internship in Zhambyl Regional Museum of Local Lore and History. The basic purpose of practice of the museum business is: the acquaintance of students with the position of a museum in society, acquaintance with history of creation of museum departments, museum affairs, explanation of an order of storage of exhibits in them.

Graduate model

Our graduates work in various fields:

  • the head of the department of internal policy of the district akimat,
  • a researcher of city and district museums,
  • a teacher in schools, colleges, higher educational institutions.
Certificate of specialized accreditation