

Position Head of the Department, Associate Professor

Academic degree Candidate of Technical Sciences

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Address Building - 2.3 , aud. - 309


Mission The purpose of the program 6В07215- "Food technology" is to train bachelors in the analysis, systematization and development of theoretical and practical foundations of food production technology, methods of modeling, optimization of processes that ensure the receipt of safe food.The list and content of the modules of the educational program are focused on the development and consolidation of universal, general professional competencies, as well as the formation of professional competencies. The educational program is developed taking into account the material and technical base, the qualifications of teachers and the equipment of educational and methodological literature.The educational program 6В07214- "Technology and engineering of food and processing industries" in the direction of training 6В072-Industrial and processing industries has specific goals:   

  • formation of a well-educated intellectual personality, ready for creative activity in the field of technology and engineering of food and processing industries, capable of self-development and continuous learning;
  • provision of professional theoretical knowledge in the field of technology and engineering of food and processing industries;
  • ensuring the acquisition of experience and practical skills in solving the problems of a modern enterprise, developing the ability to navigate in the face of changes and uncertainty.

The goal of the educational program 6В05113- "Food Biotechnology" in the direction of training 6В051-Biological and related sciences is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of production and quality control of biotechnological products with a competitive level of knowledge, skills and professional skills in the field of relevant areas of food biotechnology.

Educational program

Undergraduate Programs

  • 6В07215 - Technology of food products
  • 6В07214 - Technology and engineering of food and processing production
  • 6В05113 - Food Biotechnology
The professor-teaching staff
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KENZHEKHODZHAEV Mahamedkali Dosmanovich

Position: Head of the Department, Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

E-mail: md.kenzhekhodzhaev@dulaty.kz

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SADIBAYEV Abilkhan Kilybaevich

Position: Associate professor of the department

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

E-mail: ak.sadibayev@dulaty.kz

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MYNBAEVA Aizhan Berdalievna

Position: Associate professor of the department

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

E-mail: ab.mynbaeva@dulaty.kz

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AUBAKIROV Khamit Ablgazinuly

Position: Associate professor of the department

E-mail: kha.aubakirov@dulaty.kz

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BORANKULOVA Asel Sarsenbevna

Position: Acting Associate Professor

Academic degree: doctor PhD

E-mail: as.borankulova@dulaty.kz

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SOLTYBAEVA Bekzada Erkinbekovna

Position: Acting Associate Professor

Academic degree: doctor PhD

E-mail: be.soltybaeva@dulaty.kz

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IVANNIKOVA Natalia Viktorovna

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department

Academic degree: master of technical sciences

E-mail: nv.ivannikova@dulaty.kz

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GARAZHAYEV Mekenbai Shamilovich

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department

Academic degree: master of Engineering and Technology

E-mail: msh.garazhaev@dulaty.kz

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ERGALIEVA Saule Muratkyzy

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department

Academic degree: master

E-mail: sm.ergalieva@dulaty.kz

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Position: Lecturer of the department

Academic degree: master of technical sciences

E-mail: n.maratkyzy@dulaty.kz

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KOPZHASAROVA Dina Kairgalievna

Position: Head of the laboratory

Academic degree: master of technical sciences

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ESKARAEV Abdimazhit Baidildaevich

Position: Training master

  • LLP "Bersanukaev I.", Director Bersanukaev I.;
  • LLP "LF Company", General Director Mateev E.Z .;
  • "Zhambyl NIVS" of the branch of "KazNIVI" LLP, director, candidate of agricultural sciences TlepovA.A.;
  • IE "Biday-Nan", director B.Kh.Niyazov;
  • CE"Bakhyt" director Muhanbetali K.S.
Graduate model

The graduate of the bachelor's degree 6В07214- "Technology and engineering of food and processing industries" is awarded the academic degree of bachelor of engineering and technology.

  • 2141-1-005 Engineer Technologist "General Profile"
  • 2141-2-001 Production Organization Engineer
  • 2141-4-003 Product Quality Engineer
  • 2145-1-001 Laboratory engineer
  • 2145-4-001 Food Engineer
  • 2338-1-0072 Food Production Trainer, college
  • 3129-9-006 Food technologist
  • 3129-9-008 Technologist for food production technology

Graduates of the bachelor's degree 6В07214- "Technology and engineering of food and processing industries" can perform the following types of professional activities:

  • 01-2017, the following group of professions was selected:
  • 2141-1-005 Engineer Technologist "General Profile"
  • 2141-2-001 Production Organization Engineer
  • 2141-4-003 Product Quality Engineer
  • 2145-1-001 Laboratory engineer
  • 2145-4-001 Food Engineer
  • 3129-9-006 Food technologist
  • 3129-9-008 Technologist for food production technology
  • 2338-1-0072 Food Manufacturing Instructor (College).

List of professions that a graduate can perform after completing the Educational Program. According to the National Classifier of Occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan 01-2017, the following group of professions was selected:

  • 2131-5-003 Microbiological engineer;
  • 2131-9-002 Biotechnologist;2141-1-001 Production engineer;
  • 2141-1-005 Process engineer (general profile);
  • 2141-2-001 Production organization engineer;
  • 2141-4-003 Product Quality Engineer;
  • 2141-4-004 Quality Control Engineer;
  • 2338-1-072 Food Production Trainer, college
Certificate of specialized accreditation