Tel.: 87072708671

Address: Tole bi str., No. 62a, 305 kab.

Main scientific directions of the center

Research Center "Dulatology" was established in 1999 in honor of the celebration of the 500th anniversary of Muhammed Khaydar Dulaty within the framework of UNESCO, in connection with the order № 10 "On the establishment of the center for the study of the works of M.Kh. Dulaty", issued on January 18, 1999.

The first founder of the "Center for the Study of the History of Turkestan Region named after Zh. Balasagun" is Taraz State Pedagogical Institute. (Protocol No. 1 of September 1, 2014).

In 2023, the two centers were merged into the research center "Dulatology and History of the Region".

The main goal of the center is comprehensive study, popularization of the heritage of scientist, prominent public figure and historian, poet, diplomat Muhammed Khaydar Dulaty. Collection of previously unpublished archival documents on the history of Taraz region and Aulieata uyezd, preparation of collections of multi-volume documents and monographic works on the basis of generalized materials.

The main directions of the scientific research center:

  • Conducting research work on the life and activities of the scientist;
  • Organization of work on the ranking of historical records and research papers devoted to the work of the scientist;
  • Carrying out works on organization and coordination of scientific researches of world and domestic scientists in studying the historical significance of the famous work "historical Rashidi";
  • Interaction with international and domestic Dulatogists and joint research work;
  • Regular holding of the conference "Dulatov Readings" dedicated to M.Kh. Dulaty and participation in the organization of propaganda and cognitive creative work;
  • History of Taraz region in ancient and medieval times; political processes in the region, ancient Saks and Uysuns, nomadic civilization, Turkic ethnogenesis, formation and development of Turkic statehood, Karluk and Turgesh, traditional worldview of the Middle Ages, adoption of Islam by Turkic tribes, culture of medieval city, etc.;
  • Publication of a collection of multi-volume documents on the series "History of Auliyeata uyezd"; political and administrative structure of the uyezd, economy, cultural changes, resettlement policy of the monarchical power, emergence of new settlements, aggravation of the land issue, growth of the national liberation movement, historical personalities of the uyezd, volosts and dans, events of the revolution and civil war coverage of the social status of the population of the uyezd, the consequences of modernization of the Goloschekin force, famine, Stalinist political repressions, etc.;
  • Publication of a multi-volume collection of documents on the series "History of Zhambyl Oblast"; studies on the issues of education of Zhambyl Oblast, social and economic situation of the Oblast during the Second World War, post-war years, the era of the Soviet five-year period of the Oblast, independence of the Oblast, figures who headed the Oblast and others.;
  • Study of the life and activities of historical personalities through the series "Turkestan Personalities"; as the name suggests, this series is a study of the life and activities of historical personalities who have left an indelible mark on the history of the Turkestan region;
  • Publication of a collection of monographic works and documents on the series "History of National Liberation Movements in the Turkestan Region";

On the initiative of the scientific center since 1999, research collections and materials of the traditional conference "Dulatov Readings" have been regularly published.

Research work of the research center recently: the university traditionally holds "Dulatov Readings". To date, 11 international scientific-theoretical conferences dedicated to the life and work of M.Kh. Dulaty have been held.

At the conference, domestic and foreign Dulatologists regularly discuss and publish research articles. M.Kh. Dulaty actively promotes his legacy and continues his work.

On the threshold of the 60th anniversary of Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulaty, the research center "Dulatology" published 3 books.

  1. Absattar Derbisaly "Muhammed Khaydar Dulaty: biographical and bibliographical guide" (Art Publishing House, Almaty-2018. - 320 p.)
  2. M.Kh. Dulaty: activist, scientist, writer (publishing house "Senim", Taraz-2018. - 240 P.)
  3. "Dulaty belesteri". Scientific collection. Compiled by Samen Kulbarak (Senim Publishing House, Taraz - 2018 - 320 p.).
  4. Collection of materials of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Legacy of M.Kh. Dulatology and spirituality of the world". (Publishing house "Taraz University", Taraz 2019.- P. 318.)
  5. Methodological manual "Culture of the Great Steppe: the importance of the heritage of M.Kh. Dulaty in the civic formation of youth" was prepared in the research center "Dulatology". Authors: Master of Historical Sciences Imanbekova G. M., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Bayeshova B. Sh. In this methodical manual the article of Yelbasa N.A.Nazarbayev "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe" and national values in the work of M.Kh. Dulaty "Tarikh-i Rashidi" were considered. The methodological manual is intended for faculty and students of higher education institutions.

On April 5, 2019, the employees of the center were Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor A. Derbisali, famous Dulaty scholar M. Kazybek, First Vice Rector of Taraz State University Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A. Abdualy, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor S. Kulbarak and others. "About Muhammed Khaydar Dulaty in the program "Kareket". A lot of information about the origin of the ancestors of the great figure was given by the oriental scientist A. Derbisali. The scientist-historian A. Abdualy noted that in the work "Tarikh-i Rashidi" there is an opportunity to use comprehensively set out historical information about the political power of Kazakh khans and the period of khanate.

The agreement of the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of education, science and technology with Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulaty and Kashmir University in the Republic of India was signed on January 25, 2018.

Communication was established with the scientific-research center "Babur" in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The work of Uzbek scientist Vahab Rakhmanov "on the first Russian translation of "Tarikh-i Rashidi (1996)" was donated to the Center.

SRC "Dulatology" is also working on the preparation of 10 volumes of folk art of Zhambyl region with the project "Yel murasy-Gibrat bastauyi" within the framework of the program "Bolashakka bagdar: rukhani zhangyru". According to the project plan, 3 volumes have now been prepared and issued for printing.

  1. Creativity of the national poet Maykut Sandybayevich;
  2. Folk art: historical legends;
  3. Works by Sauytbek, Kylyshbay, Barmak, Uzbek poets;

Within the expedition "Aulieata-kieli meken IIIІІІ", dedicated to the implementation of the tasks of the program article of the First President of the RK - Yelbasy N. Nazarbayev "Bolashakka bagdar: ruhani zhangyru" and "seven facets of the Great Steppe", the materials of scientific-folklore expedition "poetic traditions of Shu-Talas region" were presented.

Proceedings of the publishing house

The following works were published in the "Center for the Study of the History of the Turkestan Region named after Zh. Balasagun":

  1. S. U. Bakhtorazov "Political repressions in the southern region of Kazakhstan (1917 - 1939)". Monograph-Almaty: Publisher Daryn, 2022-p. 307.
  2. S. U. Bakhtorazov "Panic during Confiscation of Confection-Collectivization in the Auliyat Region", Monograph-Taraz: "Zolotaya Seal", 2022-258 pp.
  3. S. U. Bakhtorazov "Innocent Victims". Study of the Regional Working Group of the State Commission for Full Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repressions. Mangistau May 26, 2022.
  4. S.U.Baktorazov "Where terror begins" (What was the prerequisite for the long years of fear) "Znamya Truda" May 31, 2022.
  5. S. U. Bakhtorazov "Kazdyryp berdi Izbanov" Akzhar "Zharma" Egemen Kazakstan". August 1, 2022
  6. S.U. Baktorazov "Time of truth (archives open tragic pages of history)" "Znamya Truda" August 4, 2022.
  7. S.U. Baktorazov "So began the Republic" (What became the foundation of statehood) "Znamya Truda" October 22, 2022.
  8. S.U. Baktorazov "Tauelsizdik tuyn tugaryyna kondyrgan". "Ak Zhol" October 25, 2022.
  9. S.U. Baktorazov "Alash kozgalysy tarihynyn turli kyrlary". "Ak Zhol" December 6, 2022.
  10. S.U. Baktorazov "Tugyry biyik tulga". Study of the regional working group of the State Commission for the full rehabilitation of victims of political repression. "Ak Zhol" December 24, 2022.
  11. S.U. Baktorazov "The first "thaw" (How the Communists were afraid to justify their comrades) "Znamya Truda" December 29, 2022.
Composition of the staff of the scientific research center "Dulatology and history of the region"


Director of the Scientific Research Center "Dulatology and History of the Region", Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor.

Address: Tole bi No. 62a 305 kab.

Contact phone number: 87014702054

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.


Chief Researcher of the Scientific Research Center "Dulatology and History of the Region", Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor.

Address: Tole bi № 62а 305 cabinet

Contact phone number: 87072708671

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.


Junior Research Fellow at the Scientific Research Center, Master of Historical Sciences

Address: Tole bi № 62а 305 cabinet

Contact phone number: 8 (702)3273399

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Орынбасар Бағлан Құралбайқызы

Senior researcher of the Scientific Research Center, Master of Historical Sciences

Address: Tole bi № 62а 305 cabinet

Contact phone number: 87017683957

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.
