Over the past three years, 60 monographs by university scholars have been published. To ensure the quality of monographs, all monographs prepared at the university since 2013 are sent to the State National Scientific and Technical Expertise Center for plagiarism testing. Only on the basis of the official opinion of this organization were monographs prepared by faculty members published.

In the context of today's globalization and international integration of science, the requirements for publication have changed dramatically. We know that the H-index, which determines the status of scientists in the global scientific community, is an indicator of a scientist's scientific metrics. This indicator illustrates the quantitative characteristics of a scientist, research group, scientific organization, or the scientific productivity of a country based on scientific articles and references to that article. The total number of publications published in journals included in the Web of Science and Scopus databases is 798.

Each year university faculty and staff have more than 1,000 publications in various publications as scholarly articles. For example, 1,573 papers were published in 2022.   

How to avoid being published in predatory journals

Number of articles and monographs published by the university's teaching staff in the Scopus and Web of Science databases in 2021-2023.


The number of articles published by the teaching staff of the university in foreign publications and in journals with an impact factor in 2020-2022.

