Reception phone: 50-05-59

Address: Taraz, Tole bi 60

Faculty mission

Training of highly qualified specialists, proficient in modern information technologies, foreign languages, competitive in international, national and regional labor markets.

Strategic directions of the faculty development:

  • ensuring high quality of educational, research and innovation activities;
  • ensuring continuity of traditions and flexible, adaptive response to changing factors of the external and internal environment;
  • development of partnerships to support quality, creativity and innovation with the real sector of the economy and civil society institutions;
  • making effective management decisions based on a balance of the needs of all stakeholders;
  • active involvement of staff and students in the implementation of the principles of corporate and social responsibility;
  • progressive sustainable development.
Dean's office

Dean of the Faculty

Contact number: 8(7262)-51-72-55

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Ask a question


Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work

Master of Philology

Contact number: 8(7262)-51-72-55

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.


Deputy Dean for Educational Work

Master of Pedagogy and Psychology

Contact number: 8(7262)-51-72-55

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.


Deputy Dean for Research

Master of History

Contact number: 8(7262)-51-72-55

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.


Computer operator

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Material and technical base

Room No.

Audience name

Volume sq.m.

Number of seats


Student dean's office

21 м2



Resource center




Computer class of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation studies




Specialized study of the history of Kazakhstan




Office named after Kapash Tasbulatovich

42 м2



Educational and methodological class on teaching Latin script




Studio of journalistic creativity




Kulamanova Ziba Abdullayevna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Honorary Professor of M. H. Dulati Taraz Regional University.

  1. Honorary badge of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Til zhanashyry-2015" (2015)
  2. The badge "Mohammed Haidar Dulati. For the best achievements" (2015)
  3. Commemorative medal "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2016)
  4. Moscow. VDNKH April 13-16, 2016 Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. MMSO III "Moscow International Salon of Education-2016" (stand AB.31.03.) Diploma and Gold medal.
  5. Honored Worker of Science and Education of the REA (Russia, 2016)
  6. "Honorary Worker of Education" of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017)
  7. Winner of the medal in honor of the 60th anniversary of M.H. Dulati Taraz State University (2018)
  8. Winner of the competition of akim of Zhambyl region "Til zhanashyry" in the nomination "Til maytalmans" (2020)

Karymbaeva Kulzinat Meirambaevna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

  1. The owner of a commemorative sign dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Taraz State Pedagogical Institute (2016)
  2. The owner of the sign "S.Altynsarin" (2017)
  3. Diploma of the Akim of Zhambyl region (2018)
  4. Letter of thanks from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K.Tokayev (2019) on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Law "On Language" for his contribution to increasing the prestige of the state language, expanding its use and becoming an instrument of interethnic communication
  5. Winner of the nomination and award of Akim of Zhambyl region "Til-maytalmans" (2021)

Kerimbayeva Rysty Kaldykhanovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor.

Republican, regional grants – 4.

She has trained 137 students and undergraduates, winners of international and Republican competitions. Training of scientific personnel.

Serikbayev Ermekbai Koibekovich - Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor.

  1. "Letter of Thanks" by President Nursultan Nazarbayev (2005)
  2. "Letter of Thanks" of the Zhambyl regional branch of Nur Otan (2012)
  3. "Letter of thanks" of the Zhambyl Regional Court and the Union of Judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017)
  4. Jubilee medal "Dulat Baba" (2020)
  5. "Muhammad Haidar Dulati" badge (2021)
  6. Badge for the 35th anniversary of "Zheltoksan-86" (2021)

Imanalieva Rakhima Beisembekovna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor (Associate Professor).

  1. Imanalieva R.B. Ways of forming the names of the cardinal directions in English//International Journal "Higher School of Kazakhstan", January, 2019.
  2. Imanalieva R.B. On the question of the names of the cardinal directions in Russian//International journal "Higher School of Kazakhstan", June (No.3) 2019.
  3. Imanalieva R.B., Zamisheva G.A. Creative writing skills development in ELT//

Proceedings of the International scientific and Practical Conference "Young teacher: modern problems of teaching. Kazakhstan, Taraz, December 6, 2019.

  1. Imanalieva R.B. On the question of the opposition right "right" - left "left" in English // International Journal "Higher School of Kazakhstan", (No.3) January, 2020.
  2. Imanalieva R.B. On the issue of paroemias with forecast semantics and opposition right "right" - left "left" in English//International magazine "Search" No. 3(1) June, 2020.
  3. Imanalieva R.B. On the issue of color designations of the cardinal directions in the Turkic languages (in print in the International Journal "Higher School of Kazakhstan" for 2022, the first quarter).

Bakhtorazov Seidakhan Ualikhanov - Professor of M.H. Dulati Taraz Regional University, Candidate of Historical Sciences. Chief Researcher of the Center for the Study of the History of the Turkestan Region named after Zh .Balasaguna.

  1. For various achievements, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2011.
  2. Letter of thanks from the Zhambyl regional branch of the NDP "Nur Otan".
  3. Diploma of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2017.
  4. According to the results of a comprehensive assessment of the results of the 2016-2017 academic year of M.H. Dulati Taraz State University, he was awarded the diploma "The best university teacher".
  5. Several certificates of honor and letters of thanks of the regional level.
  6. He was awarded a "Letter of Thanks" by the akim of the region for fruitful work in the field of education.
  7. He was awarded a letter of thanks from the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency of Zhambyl region for his contribution to the formation of an anti-corruption culture in society.

Internship in Russia

During the period from January 8 to January 28, 2024 Novozhilova Marina Varfolomeevna completed an internship in the Russian Federation.

The first visit of the head of “Practical Foreign Languages” department of acting associate professor Marina Varfolomeevna Novozhilova to the University at the IPA EurAsEC began with an excursion, which was organized and conducted by the assistant rector for educational work Kristina Aleksandrovna Vlasyuk.

Together they visited the Nevsky Institute of Design, the Faculty of Business and Communications and the Faculty of Automotive Service.

Taking into account the fact that during this period the university has winter session, we were able to attend a screening on the course “Propaedeutics”, lectures on the course “Computer technologies in environmental design”, visited computer classes, specialized rooms of graphic design, drawing and painting, automotive service, etc.

In addition, we saw a reading room, lounges for students, and a gym equipped with modern exercise equipment and sports equipment.

In general, the university has created all the conditions for educational, scientific, social and rich student life.

 In the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year, two students of the SP “Jurisprudence” Daniil Lashchevsky and Prmagambetov Daniyar, and one student of the SP “Psychology in the Social Sphere” Evelina Anosova will study at this university. In turn, one student from the SP “Psychology in the Social Sphere”, Marat Nurmetov, will study at our university at the EurAsEC IPA.

Kudabayeva Perizat Asanbayevna- PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the department” world languages". Within the framework of the Bolashak program under the program” 500 scientists “from September 15 to December 15, 2023 had a scientific internship at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan in the Republic of Poland. In accordance with the objectives of the scientific internship program, the teacher conducted lectures and practical classes on determining the state, effective ways of working on the formation of intercultural communicative competencies of undergraduates of the educational program “English philology” and students of the educational program “linguistics” of this university, conducted research work, such as surveys, questions and answers , interviews, tests. The Internship Program of Kudabayeva P.A. was discussed at the meeting with the teaching staff of the “ English philology” Department. PhD Kudabayeva P.A. in collaboration with Professor Alexandra Wach published an article for publication in a scientific journal.

Our alumnus

Kaldybek Aidana is a teacher of the Kazakh educational gymnasium No. 45 named after B.Momyshuly. Graduate of 2020, specialty 5B021000 - "English Philology".

Kirbas Bereke Kurmanbaevna - guide-translator, translation agency of Taraz Travel LLP. She graduated in 2003 with a degree in Translation.

Alina Joykynbekova is an Agent of the Ground Handling Department. Graduate of the 2020 specialty 5B021000 - "English Philology".

Kalieva Gauhar Iskakovna is a psychologist of the first category. Graduate of specialty 5B050300 - "Psychology" 2004-2008.

"1st place of the city competition of creative psychologists".

Kungabylova Meruert Dzhilkeldievna is a psychologist of the 2nd category of kindergarten No. 6.Taraz. Graduate of the specialty 5B050300 - "Psychology" 2004-2008.

Menduahas Aitolkyn Bigeldikyzy - financial consultant-psychologist No. 20 of the branch of JSC "Eurasian Bank". The best employee of 2020, 2021. Graduate of the specialty 5B050300 - "Psychology" 2015-2019.

Myrzakhmetova Aizhan Ashirbekovna - teacher-psychologist of secondary school No. 37 named after Y.Suleimenova. Graduate of specialty 5B050300 - "Psychology" 2005-2009.

Turgunbekova Baglan Adilbekovna - psychologist of the general regime colony 158/2. Graduate of the specialty 5B050300 - "Psychology" 2004-2008.

Zhalgasbai Sholpan Zhakhangirovna - Deputy Director for educational work of the scientific and intellectual school-lyceum "Keleshek-Taraz". Graduate of the specialty 5B050300 - "Psychology" 2015-2019.

  1. Letter of thanks from the akim of the district O.Karzhauov on "International Women's Day - March 8" for active participation in the political life of the district, the implementation of goals and objectives arising from the implementation of the Law "On State Youth Policy".
  2. Letter of thanks from the akim of the district N.Ergebekov on the occasion of the national holiday "August 30 - Constitution Day".
  3. Gratitude for the contribution to the holding of the National Olympiad "A thousand children" among students of grades 5 and 6 of rural schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the director of the Corporate Foundation "Academy of the President" Kuanganov F.Sh.

Shaikhieva Janel Sabyrullayevna is the chief rescue psychologist of the operational rescue squad of the State Institution " Fire Extinguishing and Emergency Rescue Services of the Emergency Department of the Zhambyl region of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Graduate of the specialty 5B050300 - "Psychology" 2006-2009.

  1. She was awarded a letter of thanks from the head of the Emergency Department of Zhambyl region M.Kuldikov for active participation in the competition to popularize Abai's creativity "The Way of Abai – the way of truth".
  2. In accordance with Order No. 107, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded a certificate of appreciation by Colonel-General of Police Kasymov K.M. for conscientious performance of official duties, achievement of high results.
  3. For her active participation in the public life of the city of Taraz, for significant achievements in the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and on October 19, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Emergency Service, she was awarded a letter of thanks from the Mayor of Taraz A.Karabalaev.

Yerbolat Saurykov - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Rector of TIGU. In 1994 he graduated from the specialty "Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature".

Almas Sadubayev - Head of the Department of Internal Policy of Zhambyl region. Graduate of the specialty "Journalism" in 2005.

Meruert Kopbaeva is a professor at Dulati University, Doctor of Philology. In 1997 she graduated from the specialty "Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature".

Maraltai Raimbekovich is a poet, winner of the International Prize "Alash". In 2018, he graduated with a master's degree in Philology: Kazakh Philology.

Abdrasilov Erbol - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Deputy Director of the Senate of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1996 he graduated from the specialty "Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature".

Shynbolat Kuzekbayev is the editor of the department of the republican newspaper "Aikyn". Graduate of the specialty "Journalism" in 2006.

Zhasulan Abenov is the secretary of the Shu city maslikhat. In 2000 he graduated from the specialty "Kazakh language and literature".

Myra Iles is an on-air marketing specialist at Turkestan TV. In 2015, he graduated with a degree in Journalism.

Marhabbat Kopbosynova is the Director of 24 TV channels. In 2010 he graduated with a degree in Journalism.

Daniyar Alimkul, own correspondent of Channel 7 in Zhambyl region. In 2012 he graduated with a degree in Journalism.

Uskenbayeva Zhadyra is the editor-in-chief and translator of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs. Graduate of 2011. specialty "Translation business".


The development of science and the competitiveness of research at the international level are one of the faculty's priority strategic directions.

Working in this direction, the faculty's scientific research work is conducted in accordance with the individual work plans of the professorial and teaching staff. In this plan, the teachers focus on publishing scientific articles in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases, in foreign, international, republican, and university publications such as "Bulliten Dulaty University", participating in foreign, international, and republican conferences, and leading the scientific work of students.

The scientific research work within the framework of grant-funded projects for the years 2021-2023, under the leadership of the faculty dean PhD G.B. Issabekova, on the topic "CLIL Policy in Continuous Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Information-Communication Approach," has been completed. The allocated budget for this scientific project was: in 2021 - 14,411,197 KZT, in 2022 - 11,541,010 KZT, and in 2023 - 12,698,500 KZT. Participants: PhD Kudabayeva P.A. from the "World Languages" department, Master of Pedagogy - Duysenova N.T., and Professor, Doctor of Philology G.K. Abdrakhman from the "Russian Language and Literature" department.

For the years 2022-2024, the senior lecturer of the "Russian Language and Literature" department, Baizhigit Botagoz Sabitovna, is continuing her scientific research work under the "Young Scientist" project. The topic is: "The Poetics of Absurd in Contemporary Kazakh Literature" (Historical-Literary and Social Context). The grant funding amount is 18,936,379.62 KZT.

In the faculty, 2 scientific projects have been funded for research work. In this academic year, 7 monographs have been published by faculty scholars. There have been 192 scientific articles, including 151 in international publications, with zero impact factor, and 41 articles have been published in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases.

The number of students who participated in conferences related to scientific and research work is 186. The number who participated in exhibitions and competitions and won awards is 51, including 5 in international, 20 in republican, 26 in local, and 36 from other higher education institutions.

In the faculty, there are 10 scientific clubs operating. The main goal of these clubs is to accelerate the scientific-research activities of students, and through their participation in scientific research, to ensure the opportunity for each student to realize their right to creative development in accordance with their individual abilities and needs.


  • Schwäbisch Gmünd Pedagogical Institute, Schwäbisch Gmünd city, Germany.
  • Tomas Bata University, Czech Republic.
  • Kastamonu University, Kastamonu city, Republic of Turkey.
  • Karabük University, Karabük city, Republic of Turkey.
  • In order to exchange advanced experiences among Turkic-speaking peoples and to enhance professional skills, a close relationship has been established with Karabük University in Turkey.
  • The "Language Teaching" Center of the Language Development Department of the Administration of Zhambyl Region.
  • The "Bauyrzhan Study" Research Center located in the "Hall of Fame" of the Zhambyl Regional Museum of Local Lore in Taraz city.
  • Zambyl NEWS information agency.

On September 29, 2023, the senior lecturer of the "History" department of the Faculty of Philology and Humanities, Asel Mukhtarkyzy Tashkaraeva, successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Historiographical and Documentary Issues in Abu'l-Ghazi's 'Shajara-i Tarakima'," and received her diploma.

In accordance with Article 3 of the "Rules for Awarding Degrees" approved by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 31, 2011, under Order No. 127, and clause 7.8 of the "Regulations on the Dissertation Council of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University" approved on October 21, 2021, Asel Mukhtarkyzy Tashkaraeva was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D020300 — "History".

On December 20, 2023, Albina Abenovna Maksutova, a senior lecturer of the "History" department of the Faculty of Philology and Humanities, successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "The History of Research on M.Kh. Dulati's 'Tarikh-i Rashidi'."

According to Article 33 of the "Rules for Awarding Degrees" approved by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 31, 2011, under Order No. 127, and clause 7.8 of the "Regulations on the Dissertation Council of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University" approved on November 9, 2023, Albina Abenovna Maksutova was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D020300 - "History."

On December 26, 2023, Baizhigit Botagoz Sabitovna, a senior lecturer of the "Russian Language and Literature" department of the Faculty of Philology and Humanities, defended her dissertation on the topic "The Poetics of Absurd in Postmodern Literature and the Methodology of Its Study in Higher Education" in the specialty 6D011800 - "Russian Language and Literature."


Two faculty members of the "Philology and Humanities" faculty were awarded scholarships under the "500 Scientists" program on December 20, 2023, by the decision of the Republican Commission for Training Personnel Abroad, to undergo scientific training at leading centers around the world:

  1. PhD Zhamila Temirgalievna Маmyrkhanova, from the department of "Foreign Philology and Translation Studies."
  2. Associate Professor (acting) Zhanar Muratbekovna Zhampesova, from the department of "Kazakh Language and Literature."
  3. The Senior Lecturer of the Department of Practical Foreign Languages, Ainura Raikulovna Nurzhanova, a recipient of the "Bolashak" scholarship, obtained a Master's degree in Higher Education Administration and Student Affairs from the University of Southern California, USA, between the years 2019-2021.
Educational and Methodical work

The main purpose of educational and methodological work at the faculty is to create conditions that can improve the efficiency and quality of the educational process. The management of educational and methodological work is carried out by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs. Methodical work at the departments of the faculty consists of a set of measures aimed at:

  • providing the educational process with educational and methodological complexes
  • improving the pedagogical skills of teachers, the implementation of classroom and independent work of students,
  • automation of technological processes and telecommunications for specialists trained by the faculty, improvement of all forms, methods and forms of academic work at departments, taking into account the prospects for development and the state of energy.

The solution of tasks that ensure the achievement of the goal of methodological work is carried out at the departments of the faculty in the following forms:

  • educational and methodological work aimed at the implementation of teaching methods of the discipline, direct methodological support of the educational process, the introduction of recommendations developed as a result of research work, improving the pedagogical qualifications of the teaching staff;
  • educational and methodological work is aimed at enriching the transferred experience, prospects for the development of the educational process, the implementation of its content and teaching methods, the search for new principles, principles, methods, technologies and forms of organization of the educational process.
Educational work

Educational work with students is one of the most important areas of educational activity of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

During the educational curatorial hours in academic groups, issues directly related to the social life of students are considered: internal regulations, significant events in the life of the country, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, analysis of academic performance, preparation of festive events according to the plans of educational work of the university and group work. The advisors are actively working in the field of legal education: annual Messages of the President to the people of Kazakhstan, State Programs and other documents are discussed. As well as curatorial hours on the topics: "Transition to the Latin alphabet", "The third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness", "Bolashakka bagdar - Rukhani zhangyrtu", etc.

Plans of educational work are drawn up annually for the department, for supervised groups. Advisors report at department meetings on the work performed. Students participate in various cultural and sports events held at the university and beyond. Visits to theaters and museums are organized. According to the plan of educational work of the department, various events are held annually: round tables, brain-rings, conferences, Olympiads, meetings, etc.

Students of the faculty actively participate in the activities of republican and local youth organizations, in Olympiads, scientific projects, contests, promotions, sports competitions, patriotic song contests, amateur performances. Career guidance work is also of a great educational nature, to which, along with teachers, students are actively involved. It has become a tradition at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences to conduct professional orientation events with schoolchildren. Faculty teachers conduct individual and group career guidance talks, debates, conferences, organize students' visits to open days at the university. The faculty has a system of student self-government as a form of organization designed to express the interests and protect the rights of young people, participate in the development of various social projects and programs that contribute to the formation of corporate spirit, modern management skills and activation of civic responsibility.

Various circles for spiritual, moral and civil-patriotic education of students are working at our faculty, such as: literary and poetic club "TAJ", historical and local history club "Alash tagylymy", psychological women's club "Kyz Zhibek".


  • Civic-patriotic: instilling socio-political literacy, preventing the spread of destructive political ideas among young people, tolerant, respectful and careful attitude to traditions and culture, art and religion of peoples living in multinational Kazakhstan; ensuring support for state policy;
  • Moral and spiritual: education of students' immunity to destructive religious ideology, understanding of the place and role of religion in society;
  • Legal: prevention of offenses and crime among young people;
  • Physical education: development of mass sports, participation in amateur sports competitions, organization of students' sports leisure;
  • Cultural and creative: participation in student circles, the formation of aesthetic taste, the development of student amateur art;
  • Social: explanation of the principles of social partnership, formation and development of the volunteer student movement.