Reception phone: 8 (7262) 51-40-13

Address: 16A Zhambyl Ave., Taraz

Mission of the Institute

On October 2, 2020, in accordance with the new structure of the rector of the Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulati, the Ustaz Institute was created. The aim of the Institute is the modernization of teacher education, the achievement of a new quality of education. Currently, one of the tasks of modernization is the development of a system for training teachers with high academic knowledge, professional skills and competencies, capable of developing a wide range of intellectual abilities of students in a modern school, ready for self-improvement through research and interaction with their colleagues.

The mission of the Institute "Ustaz" is the preparation of human capital based on innovative pedagogical experience. And values: openness, honesty, creativity.

Institute "Ustaz": currently - combining long-term traditions and modern technologies in the field of education, science and education, in the future - an innovative institution that provides quality services in the field of teacher education in the country and abroad.

In its activities, the Ustaz Institute is guided by the following principles:

1. Legality and social task.

Institute "Ustaz" carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the development strategy of the Institute "Ustaz".

2. Dedication and Academic Integrity.

Institute "Ustaz" forms a sense of devotion and responsibility to the teaching profession, developing the personal devotion of the teacher.

3. Innovation and academic freedom.

Institute "Ustaz" is constantly striving for the student to use centralized, practice-oriented teaching methods.

4. Collaboration-interaction-creativity.Institute "Ustaz" creates conditions and opportunities for continuous training of teachers and students on the basis of cooperation, interaction and creative activity.

5. Integration of education, science and practice.

Institute "Ustaz" and scientific research and experience are an integral part of the educational process.

Active propaganda and adherence to the given principles contributes to the formation of the “Ustaz” institution in the public mind as a territory of academic honesty.Strategic directions of activity of the Institute "Ustaz":

1. Development of teacher education;

2. Academic policy;

3. Development of innovative potential and its achievement;

4. Social modernization and education.

Dean's office
Djoldasova Orynkyz Kopbosinova


Contact phone number: 8 (7262) 51-40-13

Address: 16A Zhambyl Ave., 5.1.208

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Duisenbekov Erkebulan

Deputy Director for Educational and methodological work

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Address: 16A Zhambyl Ave., 5.1.205

Eralieva Serik Saktapbaevich

Deputy Director for Educational work

Contact phone number:: +7-747-167-3839

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Address: 16A Zhambyl Ave., 5.1.301

Shaimerdenova Gulsana Zalkyzy

Deputy Director for Scientific work

Contact phone number:: +7-747-166-2959

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Address: 16A Zhambyl Ave., 5.1.305

Material and technical base

To ensure the educational process of educational programs, the Institute has all the necessary educational and material assets. The buildings and structures of the Institute comply with the current sanitary standards and fire safety requirements. Classroom and laboratory facilities, classrooms, dormitories and other premises, sports facilities comply with the established norms and rules. The Institute has 6 academic buildings, 1 dormitory, 1 agricultural station, 15 registered classrooms.Systematic work is constantly carried out to update and improve the material and technical base of educational programs.The Institute has 21 computer classes, 2 language rooms and 2 electronic reading rooms. The Institute has 47 modern interactive projectors and 7 mobile LED systems.


Members of scientific and industry academies and faculty members, who are laureates of the competition, work at the Ustaz Institute. The complexes are constantly replenished with excellent students of the institute.

The Institute "Ustaz" constantly has national certificates in the following nominations: "Specialist of the Year", "Industry Leader", "Best University Teacher", "Best Teacher", "Best Candidate of Science", "Certificates of Honor", "Letters of Thanks", etc.

The Institute strives to develop in the student such values ​​and principles as personality, justice, loyalty to professional duty and respect for the rights and dignity of other people. In this regard, students take part in various intellectual competitions and win prizes: 4th year student of the group KY 18-1 Naregeev Alikhan, with the support of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Elbasy, became the 3rd place winner of the VI International Congress of Young Scientists "Youth and Global Challenges of Modernity" as part of the Year of Youth in Almaty, the owner of the Golden Badge "Gifted Youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, a letter of thanks from the Director of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Elbasy and the author of the most interesting project of the webinar of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Elbasy “The path to the future begins with oneself”. In addition, students take part in various olympiads in Kazakhstan and win prizes.

Our alumnus

Isimbayeva Gulmira Istaybekovna

In 1978, she graduated from the faculty of Philology. Deputy Chairman of the Majlis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Mirazova Ayagul Toreevna

In 1972, she graduated from the faculty of mathematics. For many years she worked as the Director of the multidisciplinary gymnasium No. 159. Altynsarina of Almaty. Hero of labor of Kazakhstan

Damir Budanbekov

He graduated from the faculty of Philology, honored master of sports. Head coach of the national Boxing team of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a coach who has trained masters of sports in several foreign countries.

Bolat Zhumadilov

Winner and medalist of world Championships, two-time Olympic medalist, honored master of sports, holder of the orders "Kurmet" and "Parasat", captain of the internal troops of the Ministry of internal Affairs

Niyazymbetov, Bolat

A boxer. Bronze medalist at the 1996 Olympic games. Winner and prize-winner of many international competitions

Firuza Sharipova

A boxer. World champion in the 2nd Featherweight. Bronze medalist of the Asian championship. At the Championships of Kazakhstan, she won two gold, one silver and one bronze.

Dosymzhan Tanatarov

Honored worker of Kazakhstan, Laureate of the state youth award Daryn

Kurmash Mahan

Composer, singer

Takhmina Ashimbekova

Singer, laureate of the XIII international festival “Asia Dauysy”

Beibit Seidualieva



The policy of research work of the teaching staff of the institute is aimed at the implementation of fundamental, search and applied work in the field of natural-mathematical and humanitarian-pedagogical sciences. Research work and research work of students bring together talented young people who are ready for active research and project activities.

At the institute, scientific research work is carried out within 5 scientific directions. Over the past year, scientists and specialists of the Institute, based on the results of scientific research, published 7 monographs and published 432 scientific articles, of which 280 articles were in foreign publications. Of the 432 articles published in foreign journals, 58 were published in international peer-reviewed journals with a non-zero impact factor, of which 22 were published in journals included in the information base of the Web of Science company (Clarivate Analytics).

The institute has scientific and educational centers: the center "Bauyrzhantanu", the center for the study of the Turkestan region named after. Zh. Balasaguni, ethno-innovation center "Zheruyyk", center of self-knowledge, center for correctional support of speech development of children, etc.

The institute has professional schools aimed at the formation of competent teaching staff: the school of young mathematicians by Professor Muratbekov M.B., the school for the formation of national values ​​among students and employees "Mangilik El", "Sheshendik oner" mektebi, "Adeptilik zhane korkemdilik" mektebi.

The Institute has a modern laboratory of Robotics and Cybernetics. The Robotics Laboratory provides consulting services to secondary schools on the introduction of elective courses related to robotics into the educational process.The number of students who took part in conferences on SRW 249, participated in exhibitions and competitions, won prizes 56, including 13 international, 30 republican, 13 local.

The institute has 12 scientific circles. The main goal of the SSS is to intensify the research activities of students, to ensure the possibility of their participation in scientific research, the realization for each student of his right to the creative development of the individual in accordance with his abilities and needs.

Educational and Methodical work

The institute implements 19 bachelor's, 11 master's, 4 PhD educational programs. The content of educational programs is focused on the needs of social partners and employers.

The institute trains trilingual specialists in the educational programs "Informatics", "Mathematics", "Chemistry", "Biology", "Preschool education and upbringing", "Physics", "Pedagogy and methods of primary education".

The contingent of students is 2876 people (the number of students studying on the Grant is 1073 students). The teaching staff of the institute annually improve their qualifications in leading foreign, republican universities and centers: New Castle University (Great Britain), Wildau University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Vytautas University (Lithuania), Senior Expert Service, Center for Pedagogical Excellence AEO NIS, JSC NCPC "Orleu" , KazNPU named after Abai, KazNU named after. Al-Farabi and others, take an active part in scientific and methodological conferences, seminars, trainings.

Elements of dual education at the institute are implemented by a number of educational programs. According to "Preschool education and upbringing" - the kindergarten "Inzhu" takes place in a preschool educational institution and secondary schools No. 33, No. 35.

Currently, in institutions and organizations where students undergo training, research and professional experience in dual training, there are 17 branches of departments for effective interaction between the institute and employers.

The Institute is provided with all the necessary educational materials for the educational process for the preparation of educational programs. The buildings of the institute are equipped with sanitary standards and fire safety equipment. Classrooms, laboratory bases, classrooms, dormitories and other places, sports complexes comply with the established norms and rules. The Institute has 5 educational buildings, 1 hostel, 1 agricultural station, 15 special classrooms.

In order to update and improve the material and technical base of educational programs, systematic work is being carried out. The institute has 21 computer labs, 2 language laboratories and 2 electronic reading rooms. It is also equipped with 38 modern interactive projectors and 7 mobile LED systems.

Educational work

One of the main tasks of the institute is the implementation of a set of measures to educate young people in a high civic and moral position, a sense of patriotism and responsibility.

In order to support student initiatives, a student ministry functions within the walls of the institute. The Student Ministry of the Institute is provided with a special office for effective work (building 5.2). In the 2021-2022 academic year, a 2nd year student Abdykaparov Nurzhigit Nurdosovich was appointed student minister.

At the initiative of active students of the institute, the “Association of Young Leaders” was created at the institute for the work of the structure of student self-government. Chairman of the Association - Rakhimzhan Yerasyl Kairatovich. 2nd year student in the educational program for the training of teachers of mathematics. Purpose of the association:– Development of intellectual, socio-cultural, professional, political, legal, spiritual and physical values ​​of young people.- Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the youth of the institute. Involvement of youth in social and political life.- Support for young people participating in public and social work.

In 2020, the Zhalyn volunteer movement was created under the leadership of active students of the Ustaz Institute, Taraz Regional University named after M. H. Dulaty. The volunteer movement is successfully continuing its work this year. The leader of the volunteer movement "Zhalyn" is a student of the specialty Foreign Language Alpysbai Balnur Meirzhanovna.

On the initiative of active students of the institute, the organization "JASTART" was created at the institute for the work of the structure of student self-government. The chairman of the organization is a 2nd year student in the curriculum for the training of teachers of mathematics Zatybek Zhanibek Bagdatovich.

Purpose of the organization:- Implementation of the youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;- Comprehensive development of youth, increasing the moral, intellectual potential, social status, political legal and spiritual culture;- Control of participation in the creation of socio-economic and other conditions for the development and promotion of the state language;- Assistance in raising the level of professional education of young people;- Support for youth engaged in public and social work;The institute also hosts various events and curatorial hours.
