On December 9, 2024, with the assistance and support of M. H.Dulati Taraz University, a scientific and methodological seminar was held at the Sarykemer Gymnasium school in the Bayzak district: "Formation of functional literacy in the process of teaching Russian language and literature." Russian Russian Language and Literature Department teachers, PhD, Associate Professor Ibraimova L.N., PhD, Associate Professor Dzhylkybekova G.T., masters Kalmataeva B.M., Kazakbayeva K.R., teachers-researchers of the school and young teachers of Russian language and literature of schools of the Baizak district, as well as teachers of Russian language and literature took part in the event secondary school № 62 of the city of Taraz A. Danikeeva A. et al.

The purpose of the seminar: to spread best practices and an innovative approach to teaching, to improve the functional literacy of teachers of the Russian language and literature to increase the level of effectiveness of teaching the subject.

The seminar was opened by Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature L. Ibraimova, who noted the importance of the topic under discussion and focused on the priority areas of functional literacy.  The fundamental form of speech activity of the Russian language is speaking, functioning in spoken language and serving for communication, information transmission. Learning to speak is an important component of the educational process that develops communication skills.

The teachers of the gymnasium school Sarykemer Dovletboeva T.S., Sbankulova N.A. and Zhubanova A.D. held open lessons, Saduova Z.S. conducted a coach at which young teachers acted as students. During the seminar, the latest methods and techniques of working with text were shown, using various educational platforms and IT, young subject teachers were able to replenish their knowledge with methodological findings that help to form the functional literacy of students in Russian language and literature lessons.

 At the end, all participants were awarded certificates and letters of thanks for participating in the workshop. During the event, the dean of the Faculty of Philology and Humanities Isabekova G.B. and the director of the school Sarykemer Kuatova A.B. signed an agreement on further cooperation. 

PhD, Associate Professor L.N.Ibraimova

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