ISSABEKOVA GULNUR BOLATBEKOVNA Head of the Department of International Cooperation

Байланыс телефоны: +7 (702) 798 10 40


Сұрақ қою
Activity direction

The Department of International Cooperation of Dulaty University is a structural subdivision of the M.Kh.  Dulaty Taraz Regional University  and reports directly to the Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations.
The International Cooperation Department of Dulaty University in its activities is guided by the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About Education», regulatory and administrative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Univer Charter.
The work of the Dulaty University Center for International Cooperation is regulated by the orders of the rector.
The Dulaty University Department of International Cooperation is financed in accordance with the established procedure, taking into account the targeted nature of the financing.
The Department of International Cooperation is intended for:

  • organization of external credit for incoming and outgoing academic mobility of students
  • organization of internal academic mobility of students
  • establishing contacts with foreign universities, foundations and research centers
  • organization of work with foreign students enrolled in external incoming degree mobility programs
  • organizing the participation of university professors and staff in academic mobility programs, internships, conferences, symposia, etc.

The term «academic mobility» refers to the movement of students, teachers or employees related to education for a certain academic period to another educational or scientific institution for training, teaching, research or professional development, after which the student, teacher, researcher or administrator returns  to your main educational institution.
The purpose of the development of academic mobility programs is to improve the quality of education, improve mutual understanding between different peoples and cultures, and bring up a new generation prepared for life and work in the international information community.
The Center for International Cooperation is a non-profit educational arm of DU.

Purpose of activity and main objectives

The aim of the Department of International Cooperation is to improve the quality of professional education based on cooperation with the domestic and international academic community through participation in academic mobility programs and the implementation of tasks and implementation of activities provided for by the Development Strategy of the University of Dulatу.
The main tasks of CICandAM are:

  • management of planning, administrative and organizational support for the mobility of university staff;
  • participation in joint international programs and projects contributing to strengthening and increasing the academic mobility of teachers, students and undergraduates through interaction with national and international organizations, funds and programs;
  • study of the needs of foreign states, organizations, citizens in educational and scientific services of the university;
  • identification of promising directions and forms in the field of academic mobility;
  • development of partnerships with structures of academic mobility of other universities in Kazakhstan and foreign countries;
  • scientific and methodological support and informational support of academic mobility;
  • ensuring the collective representation of the university in the world market of education and science.
Purpose of activity and main objectives

The aim of the Department of International Cooperation is to improve the quality of professional education based on cooperation with the domestic and international academic community through participation in academic mobility programs and the implementation of tasks and implementation of activities provided for by the Development Strategy of the University of Dulatу.
The main tasks of CICandAM are:

  • management of planning, administrative and organizational support for the mobility of university staff;
  • participation in joint international programs and projects contributing to strengthening and increasing the academic mobility of teachers, students and undergraduates through interaction with national and international organizations, funds and programs;
  • study of the needs of foreign states, organizations, citizens in educational and scientific services of the university;
  • identification of promising directions and forms in the field of academic mobility;
  • development of partnerships with structures of academic mobility of other universities in Kazakhstan and foreign countries;
  • scientific and methodological support and informational support of academic mobility;
  • ensuring the collective representation of the university in the world market of education and science.

The main functions of the Department of International Cooperation include:

  • providing advice on the preparation of documents for applying for participation in academic mobility programs;
  • conducting presentations of educational and scientific programs offered by foreign partner universities and representative offices;
  • use of new information technologies for the creation and introduction of databases specialized in the field of academic mobility, the exchange of relevant information of interest;
  • participation in conducting scientific and educational seminars, schools, conferences, symposia, congresses, congresses, exhibitions in Kazakhstan and abroad, aimed at the development of academic mobility;
  • conducting scientific research in the field of international education, including the marketing of the international market for educational services;
  • supporting the initiative of university employees to develop all types of activities of the Department of International Cooperation;
  • organization of selection of students for study abroad within the framework of academic mobility programs;
  • coordination of the work of mobility coordinators and assistance to the structural units of the university in organizing mobility;
  • expertise and consulting in the field of international education, research projects and programs;
  • improvement of forms and methods of teaching, development and implementation of the latest techniques and technical teaching aids in the educational process;
  • consideration of reports on the results of the implementation of individual mobility programs and submission of proposals for the implementation of the agreements reached for approval by the university administration;
  • assistance in the preparation of documents for the participation of university departments in international programs and projects;
  • preparation of reports and analytical and information materials for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • performance of work related to the admission of foreign students;
  • ensuring the development of interaction with the embassies of the countries of foreign students;
  • development of measures for the development of academic mobility at the university;
  • provision of support for efficiency and content of the section "Academic mobility" of the official website of the university;
  • conducting seminars on clarification of the main provisions and ECTS, necessary for the organization of academic mobility;
  • ensuring the required quality of information about programs aimed at supporting academic mobility;
  • ensuring regular preparation of analytical materials for the university leadership;
  • fulfillment of tasks and implementation of activities provided for by the Development Strategy of the University of Dulaty.
Relationship of the department with other university university
  • The department interacts with the selection committee, faculties and departments to form a contingent of students and teachers for academic mobility;  on the organization of the admission of students and teachers through academic mobility;  on the organization of work with foreign students.
  • The department interacts with the Office of the Registrar for the exchange of educational and methodological materials, as well as for the formation of information on the academic history of students;
  • The department interacts with the department of student movement and employment of graduates on the organization of documentation support for academic mobility;
  • The department of technical means of training of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Technology prepares educational audio and video materials according to the requests of the Department of International Cooperation for the organization of video broadcasts and videoconferences;
  • The department interacts with the EMO in the development of a unified methodological documentation for the introduction of ECTS into the educational process;
  • The department interacts with the coordinators of academic mobility at the faculties.
  • The department interacts with the department of organizational and personnel work on the registration of documentation support for academic mobility.
  • The department interacts with the faculty of postgraduate education on the organization of academic mobility of undergraduates and doctoral students.
  • The department interacts with the Department of Multilingual Education and Improving the Competencies of the teaching staff on the organization of teaching foreign languages ​​for applicants for participation in academic mobility programs.
Employees of the department
Rakhymbekova Venera Khalkybekovna
Rakhymbekova Venera Khalkybekovna

Лауазымы: Head of the International Programs and Grants Sector

Байланыс телефоны: +7(771) 335 96 24


Ussembayeva Zhumagul Askerovna
Ussembayeva Zhumagul Askerovna

Лауазымы: Head of the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Sector

Байланыс телефоны: +7 (776) 608 19 97


Makeeva Aigul Zhumabaevna
Makeeva Aigul Zhumabaevna

Лауазымы: Coordinator of the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Sector

Байланыс телефоны: +7 (707) 429 67 16


Karibekova Akdidar Zhanibekovna
Karibekova Akdidar Zhanibekovna

Лауазымы: Specialist of the Department of International Cooperation

Байланыс телефоны: +7 (707) 950 10 26

