АP08855802 "The existence, compactness of  a resolvent and estimates of eigenvalues, s-numbers of mixed-type operators with strongly growing and rapidly oscillating coefficients in Rn"

Project topic name:

АP08855802 "The existence, compactness of  a resolvent and estimates of eigenvalues, s-numbers of mixed-type operators with strongly growing and rapidly oscillating coefficients in Rn"

The relevance of the project. As is known, spectral questions for differential operators of mixed type with strongly growing and oscillating coefficients can be reduced by the Fourier transform to the study of a second-order differential operator with an alternating parameter. According to the project schedule, the object of research is the existence of a resolvent of a one-dimensional second-order differential operator with an alternating parameter

The goal of the project - to find conditions ensuring the existence of a resolvent of a one-dimensional second-order differential operator with an alternating parameter; - to obtain a representation of the resolvent of a one-dimensional second-order differential operator with an alternating parameter.

Expected and achieved results:

In studies for a one-dimensional second-order differential operator with an alternating parameter, the following new results were obtained:

- the existence of a resolvent of a mixed-type operator with one-dimensional strongly growing and rapidly oscillating coefficients at infinity is proved;

- found a compactness condition for the resolvent of a second-order differential operator with an alternating parameter;

- two-sided estimates are obtained for the distribution function of singular numbers (s-numbers) of the resolvent of a second-order differential operator with an alternating parameter;

- an example is given of how these estimates allow one to find estimates for the eigenvalues ​​of the resolvent of a second-order differential operator with an alternating parameter.

Research team members:

1) Project Manager: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor M. Muratbekov, Hirsha Scopus Index - 5, ORCID - 0000-0002-8185-8070

2) Chief Researcher: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor K.N. Ospanov, Scopus Hirsch Index - 7, ORCID - 0000-0002-8185-8070

3) Senior Researcher: PhD S.Zh. Igisinov, Scopus Hirsch Index - 5, ORCID - 0000-0002-4189-9142

4) Senior Researcher: PhD, Ph.D. MM. Muratbekov, Scopus Hirsch Index - 4, ORCID - 0000-0003-2197-4982

5) Researcher: PhD-doctoral student A.O. Suleimbekova, ORCID - 0000-0003-1865-4822

6) Researcher: Ph.D., Associate Professor B. Musilimov, Hirsch Index Scopus - 1, authorId = 16473709700 7) Junior researcher: R.R. Makulbekova

List of works published in 2021

1 Muratbekov M.B., Muratbekov M.M. On the compactness of the resolvent of a Schrödinger type singular operator with a negative parameter // Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. – 2021. – Vol.151, 111248. Web of Science, Scopus: Q1, Percentile - 98

2 Muratbekov M.B., Muratbekov M.M., Suleimbekova A.O. Bounded invertibility and separability of a parabolic type singular operator in the space L_2(R^2 ) // Turkish Journal of Mathematics. – 2021. №45. – P. 2199 – 2210 doi:10.3906/mat-2101-72. Web of Science, Scopus: Q2, Percentile – 51

3 Muratbekov M.B., Y. Bayandiev. On the Resolvent Existence and the Separability of a Hyperbolic Operator with Fast Growing Coefficients in L^2(R_2) // Filomat. 35:3 (2021), 707–721. Web of Science, Scopus: Q2, Percentile – 63

4 Muratbekov M.B., Suleimbekova A.O. On the existence of the resolvent and separability of a class of the Korteweg-de Vriese type linear singular operators // Bulletin of the Karaganda University. – 2021. –  № 1(101). – P.87-97 DOI 10.31489/2021M1/87-97 Web of Science, ККСОН

5 Muratbekov M.B., Muratbekov M.M., Igisinov S. Separability and compactness, estimates for the eigenvalues and singular numbers (s-numbers) of a resolvent of a class of singular parabolic operators // 13th International ISAAC Congress. Ghent, Belgium, 2021

6  Muratbekov M.B., Muratbekov M.M., Igisinov S. Estimates for the eigenvalues of a class of singular parabolic operators // The International Scientific Conference ”Problems of Modern Mathematics”. Bishkek, 2021. – P.100

AR08856578 "Multicultural educational space in the Republic of Kazakhstan: history, theory, design principles"

Project topic name: AR08856578 "Multicultural educational space in the Republic of Kazakhstan: history, theory, design principles" The relevance of the project of a multicultural space in the Republic of Kazakhstan is determined by the guidelines for the socio-economic development of society, the realities of the socio-pedagogical situation, characterized by a change in universally significant values, traditions and norms, an increase in the commercialization of education, an increase in alarming trends in the sociocultural maladjustment of youth. In these conditions, the importance of the formation of a multicultural educational space is increasing, which contributes to the development of the younger generation of ideas about the diversity of world cultures and cultures of the peoples of Kazakhstan, a tolerant attitude towards them, the development of skills for productive interaction with carriers of other cultures.

The goal of the project is to analyze the theoretical and methodological provisions on the problem of multicultural education, to determine the current state of the multicultural educational space in the Republic of Kazakhstan (for all levels of education).Expected and achieved results:- for 2020: the theoretical foundations and practical prerequisites for studying multicultural education in the context of world pedagogical experience will be investigated (positions and features in the content of multicultural education in different countries will be determined; the history and current state of the problem will be described).- for 2021: the concept of multicultural education in the Republic of Kazakhstan will be developed, indicating the chronology of the formation and development of multicultural education in Kazakhstan; tasks and directions for the training of multicultural individuals will be determined; the relationship of the categories "multicultural personality", "multicultural education", "educational space" and "dialogue of cultures" will be revealed.- for 2022: a technological and educational model for the implementation of a multicultural approach in an educational institution will be developed; the pedagogical technologies of involving the young generation in individual and collective cultural activities in the context of globalization and integration of the multicultural world will be substantiated.

Research team members:

Head: Kozhamzharova Dariyakul Perneshovna - Rector of M. Auezov SKU, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Index Hirsha - 1, Scopus Author ID: 57192645553, Web of Science Researcher ID – AAR-6802-2020, ORCID -

Isabekova Gulnur Bolatbekovna – performer, PhD, Index Hirsha Scopus – 1, Scopus Author ID: 57189890671, Researcher ID AAR-6795-2020, ORCID -

Abdrakhman Gulnar Qabylqalymqyzy – performer, candidate of philology, associate professor, Hirsha Index Scopus – 1, Scopus Author ID: 57194835625, Web of Science Researcher ID – AAR-6773-2020, ORCID -

Nazym Duisenova - performer, master, senoir teacher, Scopus Author ID: 57209615733, ORCID -

Nuradin Gulkhan Bolatovna - performer, candidate of philosophy, ORCID -

List of works published in 2021.

  1. Кожамжарова Д.П., Абдрахман Г.К. Концепция поликультурного образовательного пространства в Республике Казахстан как среды обеспечения социально-педагогической безопасности молодого поколения. – Тараз: Dulaty university, 2021. – 67 бет.
  2. Нурадин Г.Б., Дуйсенова Н.Т. Көпмәдениетті білім беру пән ретінде: оқу-әдістемелік құралы. – Тараз: Dulaty university, 2021. - 102 б.
  3. Дуйсенова Н.Т., Исабекова Г.Б., Абдрахман Г.К. Көпмәдениетті білім беру сабақтан тыс қызмет ретінде: оқу-әдістемелік құрал. – Тараз: Dulaty university, 2021. – 94 бет.
  4. Нұрадин Г.Б., Дүйсенова Н.Т., Исабекова Г.Б. Дулати университетіндегі Түркменстан студенттерін көпмәдениетті ортаға бейімдеу // ҚазҰПУ хабаршысы. - 2021. - № 1 (33) – Б.212-219.
  5. Нұрадин Г.Б., Игисинова Ж.К. Толеранттылық принципі ретіндегі көпмәдениетті білім беру // Дулати Хабаршысы. -2021. - №2. – Б.81-92
  6. Абдрахман Г., Исабекова Г.Б. Филолого-культурологическое образование в свете научной парадигмы. // Первые Международные педагогические чтения «Школа – учитель – инновации в современном мире», посвященные 100-летию со дня рождения выдающегося педагога-новатора, общественного деятеля, Заслуженного учителя Казахстана, Героя Социалистического Труда, кандидата педагогических наук Нуртазиной Р.Б., Республика Казахстан Павлодар, 1 – 9 марта 2021 года. - 1 Т.- С. 124- 128.
  7. Свидетельство о внесении сведений в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом № 16558 от «13» апреля 2021 года Дуйсенова Н., Исабекова Г., Абдрахман Г. «Көпмәдениетті білім беру сабақтан тыс қызмет ретінде» Оқу-әдістемелік құралы 13.01.2021г.
AP09260664 "CLIL policy in the context of lifelong education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: information and communication approach"

Project topic name: AP09260664 "CLIL policy in the context of lifelong education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: information and communication approach"

The relevance of the project lies in considering issues related to the main priorities for the development of education in Kazakhstan, identifying opportunities for teaching a foreign language and special subjects through a foreign language using CLIL technology and multimedia training programs, their advantages over traditional teaching methods in a lifelong learning environment.

The goal of the project is to analyze the theoretical and methodological provisions on the problem of teaching using CLIL technology in the context of lifelong education, and to develop scientifically based approaches, recommendations and educational content using ICT.Expected and achieved results:- for 2021: the scientific and methodological support of subject-language integrated learning (CLIL) within the framework of lifelong education will be studied; the evolution of the CLIL approach in different countries will be described; didactic concepts that precede the advent of CLIL technology will be presented.- for 2022: the issue of information and communication support of subject-language integrated learning (CLIL) in the context of lifelong education in the Republic of Kazakhstan will be studied; practice-oriented learning strategies based on the construction of a competence-oriented educational content will be described.- for 2023: significant advantages will be proven from the implementation of the model of foreign language education based on the CLIL approach as an effective means of international language policy of multilingualism in the framework of lifelong education.Research team members:

Head: Isabekova Gulnur Bolatbekovna – performer, PhD, Index Hirsha Scopus – 1, Scopus Author ID: 57189890671, Researcher ID AAR-6795-2020, ORCID -

Abdrakhman Gulnar Qabylqalymqyzy – performer, candidate of philology, associate professor, Hirsha Index Scopus – 1, Scopus Author ID: 57194835625, Web of Science Researcher ID – AAR-6773-2020, ORCID -

Nazym Duisenova - performer, master, senoir teacher, Scopus Author ID: 57209615733, ORCID -

Perizat Kudabayeva - performer, PhD, Scopus Author ID: 57194274022, ORCID -

List of works published in 2021.

  1. Исабекова Г.Б., Дүйсенова Н.Т. CLIL сабақтарында АКТ-ны қолдану: дидактикалық ұсыным: оқу-әдістемелік құралы. – Тараз: 2021. –131б.
  2. Дүйсенова Н. T., Исабекова Г. Б. Мазмұн мен тілді кіріктіріп оқыту технологиясы (CLIL): тарихы, зерттеулер, ерекшеліктері, қағидалары, нәтижелері. // Торайғыров университетінің Хабаршысы. Педагогикалық сериясы. - Б.214 -225.
AP09563655 Study of mediacommunication processes of a school in the conditions of DLT as an empirical basis for developing mediapedagogy

Name of the project: Study of mediacommunication processes of a school in the conditions of DLT as an empirical basis for developing mediapedagogy

Relevance of the project  - the project plans to study the problems of intensive media communication within the framework of distance education technologies (hereinafter referred to as DLT) in the educational process of a secondary school with the subsequent use of empirical experience to develop the main areas of media pedagogy and to form an experimental basis for the development of innovative educational programmes for the training of modern teachers, taking into account health saving work with students.

The aim of the project is to study the processes of mediacommunication of the general education school in the conditions of application of remote educational technologies for development of mediapedagogy and formation of innovative educational programs for training of modern teachers taking into account health saving work with students.

The expected results of the project are:

- Identification and actualisation of social problems of schoolchildren (family education and training, lack of direct communication in the classroom team, etc.) in the conditions of distance education;

- expert assessment of the degree of influence of "clip" thinking of schoolchildren on the level of perception of educational information in the DLT environment;

- determining the level of anxiety among parents and teachers in the process of raising children in preschool;

- development of methodological recommendations for higher education institutions on the design of educational programmes for teacher training, taking into account mass online learning; 

- development of advanced training courses for school teachers on the organization of the educational process in DLT.

Members of the research group:

Supervisor: Smetova Klara Begalievna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, ORCID;

Senior Researcher: Alimbayeva Saule Kurmantayeva - Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Web of Science ResearcherID AAK-9275-2021, Scopus ID 57224351360, ORCID,

Senior Researcher: Mazhibaev Asylzhan Kenzhekereevich - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, ORCID .

List of published works for 2021:

Publications in the journal recommended by the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1. Сматова К.Б., Алимбаева С.К., Мажибаев А.К. Болашақ мамандардың медиабілімінің дамуына мінез-құлық дағдыларының әсерін зерттеу. – Педагогика и психология. – 2021. - №3 (48).

2. Сматова К.Б., Алимбаева С.К. Психологические факторы адаптации иностранных студентов к новой социальной среде. – Вестник ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева. Серия педагогика. психология. Социология. – 2021. - №2 (135). – с. 315-325

3.Алимбаева С.К., Сматова К.Б., Мажибаев А.К. Изучение процессов медиапедагогики в общеобразовательных школах Казахстана. - Вестник КазНПУ. Серия Педагогика. - 2021. - №3. – с. 14-25

An article has been sent for publication in a journal submitted to a peer-reviewed scientific publication included in the Social Science Citation Index or the Arts and Humanities Citation Index of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 25 (twenty-five)

1. Алимбаева С.К., Мажибаев А.К., Сматова К.Б. Об особенностях повышения медийной грамотности педагогов школ. – Образование и наука (процентиль 59).

A training manual has been prepared

Влияние процессов медиакоммуникации на развитие образования в условиях ДОТ / С.К.Алимбаева, К.Б.Сматова, А.К.Мажибаев.  - Taraz: M.H.Dulati Taraz Regional University, 2021. - 70 p., (decision of the Academic Council of the University No. 1 of 09/21/2021).

A program of advanced training of school teachers on the organization of the educational process in the conditions of DOT has been developed.

AP09058636 Development of cement slurries with differential properties.

Project name: AP09058636 Development of cement slurries with differential properties.

Relevance :

Despite the successes achieved in well cementing, the problems are still not fully resolved, due to the presence of reservoirs with low pressures and the presence of unstable rocks, as well as complications associated with loss of circulation, gas and water migration, and problems associated with high mechanical loads on cement stone.

The drawbacks that occur during the primary and secondary opening of the productive formation (high fluid loss of the grouting slurry and low impact resistance of the cement stone) lead to difficulties in the development of wells, an increase in the development time and a decrease in their productivity, which is also one of the reasons for obtaining low production rates compared to the expected ones.

Therefore, the creation of cement slurries with differential properties that have optimal kinetics of structure formation and hardening, as well as increased impact resistance is an urgent topic for scientific research.

The aim of the project is to improve the quality of primary cementing by developing grouting slurries with differential properties that have optimal kinetics of structure formation and hardening, as well as increased impact resistance.

Expected and achieved results: Comprehensive studies on optimizing the type and amount of reinforcing additives in terms of their effect on impact resistance and other technological properties of the resulting grouting slurry and stone, as well as comprehensive studies on developing methods, justifying and choosing reagents to reduce the filtration of grouting slurries, optimizing the type and the amount of reinforcing additives will be carried out in the grouting slurry laboratory.

Young project executors (about 100% of the staff) will improve their qualifications in the development of cement slurries for oil and gas wells and gain experience in teamwork, acquire skills in using the Statisticgraphic program

Expected social effects: training of highly qualified specialists in the field of preparation of cement slurries in Kazakhstan; raising the status of scientific research carried out in Kazakhstan; creation of a scientific laboratory at the university.

The main results will also be applied in the educational process.

The direct results of the project are

The collection and analysis of production material will be carried out as a result of which information on well cementing will be systematized and patent research will be carried out, followed by the preparation of a patent research report.

Comprehensive studies will be carried out, and a formulation of an effective reinforcing additive will be obtained and a laboratory research act and the results of the Statisticgraphic program will be received. Patent applications will be filed.

Research will be carried out to optimize the type and amount of reinforcing additives in terms of their effect on impact resistance and on other technological properties of the resulting cement slurry and stone.

Comprehensive studies will be carried out with cement stones according to API methods.

A cement slurry laboratory will be built

A methodology for controlling the kinetics of structure formation and hardening of plugging materials for casing wells in difficult mining and geological conditions will be developed. A well casing method will be investigated and developed, in which the cement slurry hardens “from top to bottom”.

An original installation for the study of cement slurries will be built. Experimental studies will be carried out on the original unit. A recipe for grouting slurries with reinforcing additives for gas breakthrough during the open-cut center for vertical wells will be obtained.

A positive conclusion on the patent will be received.

A methodology for controlling the kinetics of structure formation and hardening of plugging materials for casing wells in difficult mining and geological conditions will be developed. A well casing method will be investigated and developed, in which the cement slurry hardens “from top to bottom”.

A recipe for a cement slurry resistant to gas breakthroughs will be obtained during the WOC.

A technology for obtaining the developed materials and approbation of research results in field conditions will be developed

A recommendation for a trial release of plugging materials will be prepared.

2 articles will be published in journals included in the Scopus database. The casing will be cemented and a production test certificate received.

2 articles will be published in the journals recommended by the KKSON MES RK.

A monograph will be published on the topic "Cement slurries with differential properties"

Research team members:

Head: Arman Arstangalievich Kabdushev, PhD., Hirsha Index Scopus - 3, Scopus Author ID -57194217536, Web of Science Researcher ID -AAV-7634-2020, ORCID- 0000-0003-3579-9054,

Research team members:

Delikesheva Dinara Nasipulovna, MSc, MSc - Non-profit joint-stock company Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, Lecturer

Manapbaev Bauyrzhan Zharkanbekovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor - Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati, Head of the educational and methodological department

Korgasbekov Darkhan Rakhmetollaevich, master of technical sciences, lecturer - Satbayev University, lecturer

Muksinov Ruslan Ravilovich, Master's student of the Department of Oil and Gas Well Drilling, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University

Information for potential consumers:

The target consumers of the research results are drilling and service companies in Kazakhstan and the world, which are engaged in drilling oil and gas wells.

AP09259497 "Improving the system of pedagogical education in the new reality of Kazakhstan: technological and methodological aspects of the formation of digital competencies of future teachers in distance learning of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Project name: AP09259497 "Improving the system of pedagogical education in the new reality of Kazakhstan: technological and methodological aspects of the formation of digital competencies of future teachers in distance learning of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Relevance: In the 21st century, in order to turn education into the central link of a new model of economic growth, it is necessary to direct educational programs to the development of critical thinking and independent research skills, as well as distance learning.

We need to train competitive future teachers with formed digital and creative competencies, based on the adaptation of the experience of international centers of pedagogical and vocational education to the modern Kazakhstani market.  It is necessary to determine effective ways of forming digital and creative competencies of future teachers in the conditions of distance education.

Goal: Development of methodology, determination of technological and methodological aspects of the formation of digital and creative competencies of future teachers in distance learning for improvement within the framework of the integration of Kazakh and European education of the modern system of pedagogical education in Kazakhstan on the basis of cooperation of the M.H. Dulaty Taraz Regional University and Shadrin State Pedagogical University (SHSPU) of Russia.

Expected and achieved results:

Theoretical-methodological, innovative-technological and network-methodological foundations for the formation of digital competencies of future teachers in the conditions of distance education in the new reality of Kazakhstan will be determined.

A model of cooperation between M.H.Dulaty Taraz Regional University and Shadrinsk  State Pedagogical University of Russia will be developed, the definition of integrative methodology and mechanisms for the implementation of the formation of digital-creative competencies of future teachers in the Republic of Kazakhstan in distance learning within the framework of the integration of Kazakh and Russian education.

Cooperation was established by scientists of the Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University of Russia, joint experiments were conducted: development, maintenance, selection of the results of online testing "SMART-future TEACHER".

Kazakh scientists conducted joint research work with well-known foreign scientists in order to study, research, generalize and promote innovative experience in the formation of digital creative competencies of future teachers in the conditions of distance learning in the preparation of global competitive teaching staff:

1) An Agreement has been signed with SHSPU of Russia. (28.10.2021, Shadrinsk);

2) 2 members of the Project completed a scientific internship at Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University, received qualification certificates (certificates) in the amount of 72 hours.

3) The mobile application of online testing "SMART-future TEACHER" has been developed:

An online survey and online testing were conducted:

4) The pedagogical portal "SMART-future TEACHER" has been created and opened:

5) The online department "SMART-PEDAGOG" was created on the basis of Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University (Russia) and the head was appointed - L.I.Ponomareva, Professor of the Department of Preschool and Social Education, PhD (Decision of the Academic Council of SHSPU: Protocol No. 1 of 10/28/2021)

6) Scientific articles have been published in peer-reviewed domestic publications recommended by the CQAES

6.1. Buzaubakova K.D., Nurmanalieva U.T. "Technological and methodological aspects of the formation of digital creative competencies of future teachers in the conditions of distance learning in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (in 2 editions): Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University. Pedagogy series. Psychology. Sociology".- №2 (135).- 2021.- Pp.47-60; Bulletin of KazNU, series "Pedagogical sciences".- №3(68).- 2021. – Pp.71-82.

6.2 Buzaubakova K.D., Nurmanalieva U.T. "Pedagogical conditions for the formation of digital creative competencies of future teachers in the conditions of distance learning in the Republic of Kazakhstan"Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University. Pedagogy series. Psychology. Sociology".- №4 (137).- 2021.

Members of the research group:

Supervisor: Buzaubakova Klara Dzhaydarbekovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Professor.


Members of the research group:

Nurmanalieva Ultay Tlegenovna - senior researcher, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor.

Yelubayeva Mirshat Sailaubekovna - senior researcher, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor.

Makavetskaya Anastasia Andreevna-researcher, Master's degree.

Abul Ainil Muratkyzy - junior researcher, Master's student.

Dzhaksymbetov Magzhan Idelbaevich-researcher, programmer.

Abai Tazhigaliev - researcher, programmer.
