Acting Director of the Center

Phone number: +7 (7262) 43-15-32

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Address: Suleimenov 7, 1.1-205

Activity direction

The Information and Media Communication Center is designed to improve the university’s interaction with the media, public and professional organizations, as well as the place of the university and its educational programs in international and national ratings. The center of Information and Media Communication should cover the activities of the university in the educational, methodological, scientific and educational areas: contests, promotions, round tables, exhibitions, seminars, conferences. As part of the Information and Media Communication Center, the editorial board of the newspaper “Universitet Tynysy” is responsible for the preparation and publication of a mass political newspaper once a month. The sector of “International Recognition and Rating” effectively coordinates with the university administration the implementation of the university’s policy in the field of development and recognition at the national and international levels. The student television studio has a creative direction and enables students not only to learn the basics of the profession of a television journalist, but also to participate in projects. The photo lab takes pictures of university life and photographs for promotional products.
1. Providing the media with information materials on the activities of the university.
2. Production of audio and video clips for general use
3.Preparation of articles, reviews, notes for periodicals
4. Organization of interview with the rector
5. Preparation of press releases for the media
6. Conducting photography and preparing high-quality photographic products, preparing the university’s photo archive
7. Preparation and publication of the university newspaper “Universitet tynysy”
8. Help correspondents in work, provide them with necessary information
9. Organizational, methodological and informational support of preparation for the national and international rating process and its implementation
10. Coordination of the collection and processing of information related to national and international ratings
11. Monitoring and analysis of the current information space of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad in the rating framework
12. Establishing and maintaining relationships with leading national and international rating agencies
13. Constant monitoring of international ratings. Follow the dynamics of the development of universities of Kazakhstan and universities of the CIS countries in world rankings
14. The study of the criteria of the international rating and the search for ways to harmonize the internal ratings of the university
15. At the request of national and international rating agencies, submit a collection and analysis of the university
16. Methodological and organizational support of the university rating system
17. Collection, processing and generalization of information and statistical data on key indicators of the university that can be used by teachers and students of the university, as well as uploading to the university website for general access.
18. Timely updating of information on the university website, to raise the level of the website on the Internet
19. Development of student creativity in a student television studio - making films, videos promoting the success of the university, attracting students to various creative projects.

Contact us

Our address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Taraz, 7A Suleimenova str., Main Building of Dulati University, 2 floor, 205 office. Media service.
E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс. 

Contact phone number: +7 (7262) 431532
