Head of the department


Мекен-жайы: Тole bi, 60, 2.3-207

Сұрақ қою
Activity direction

The Department of Educational Programs Planning and Realization is a structural division of the non-profit joint stock company "Taraz Regional University named after M. H. Dulaty" and reports directly to the Director of the Academic Policy Department. This department is guided by the legal and administrative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Academic Council and University administration, the University Statute and internal normative documents in the field of organization of educational-methodical work.


The purpose of The Department of Educational Programs Planning and Realization is to manage the educational process and systematically improve it through the use of advanced technologies and tools that contribute to improve the effectiveness of the educational process and the quality of training.

The main objectives of activities of the department are:

  • Organization of the educational process and educational and methodological support of the educational process as a whole;
  • Organization of educational programs design in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna Process;
  • Organization and conduct of expert work on the content of educational programs and teaching materials of teaching staff;
  • Development of recommendations for long-term development plans of the university;
  • Coordination of educational documentation with the regulatory framework established by the state and the university and control over compliance with the established standards;
  • Systematic analysis of educational process indicators.


Main functions of the department
  • organization of the educational process on the basis of the credit system of training;
  • approval of academic loads of the teaching staff;
  • monitoring the distribution of the teaching load of teaching staff in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the university and changes in the staffing of departments;
  • ensuring the organization, approval and conduct of (external, internal, substantive, technical) expertise of educational programs;
  • formation of the list of chairmen of Attestation commissions on educational programs;
  • preparation of draft orders on approval of the themes of diploma projects of students, supervisors and reviewers;
  • preparation of draft orders for the payment of the chairmen of attestation commissions, the exam on the discipline "Modern History of Kazakhstan", reviewers and opponents;
  • organization and control of the final certification of students in accordance with the academic calendar;
  • provision of structural divisions (faculties, departments) with approved educational programs/working curriculum, academic calendars;
  • making proposals to improve the regulatory legal documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the University;
  • provision of educational units of the university with normative materials, state mandatory standards of education and standard curricula and standard programs for the Cycle of general education disciplines;
  • organization of participation of teaching staff in the development of state mandatory standards of education and standard programs;
  • making proposals for the preparation of curricula, the formation and updating of databases of catalogs of elective disciplines;
  • methodological support and control of development educational programs, the educational programs catalog description, syllabus, teaching materials, teaching AIDS and textbooks for improving the educational process in accordance with the credit technology of education;
  • introduction of modern teaching and didactic materials into the educational process;
  • study, generalization and dissemination of best practices of the university in the field of educational and methodological work;
  • organization of participation of the teaching staff in the scientific and practical conference on the problems of higher education;
  • provision of blank documentation in accordance with regulatory documents;
  • participation in the development, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the University's system of management quality in accordance with the requirements of MQ ISO 9001:2015.
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