
Mussayev Sabyrzhan Altynbaevich was born in the village  Kulan, Lugovoi district, Zhambyl region. He served as a member of a limited military contingent in the Republic of Afghanistan .

Education - Dzhambul Hydro-Reclamation and Construction Institute, specialty "Mechanization of hydro-reclamation works" and Taraz State University named after M. KH. Dulaty, specialty "Jurisprudence".

For his high responsibility, hard work and business acumen, he was elected as a chairman of the student trade union committee of the Dzhambul Hydro-Reclamation and Construction Institute  and served as a Vice-rector for Social Affairs of this educational institution.

From 1998 till 2000, he studied at the graduate school. He defended his thesis in the specialty 25.00.36 - "Geoecology".

In 2001, he was appointed Deputy head of the Security Service, and in 2008, he was appointed Head of the Security Service of our university, and since 19.08.2009-Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Affairs.

He was awarded three badges "Veteran of the Afghan War", medals "From the grateful Afghan people", "70 years of the Armed Forces", "Veteran of the War in Afghanistan", Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, "For active work in the student detachment, Central Committee of the Komsomol East Kazakhstan region".
