Almara Yerkinovna Nauryzbekova was born on April 20, 1970 in the city of Dzhambul. In 1991, after graduating from the Accounting and Economics Faculty of the Zhambyl Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, majoring in Accounting and Analysis of Economic Activity, A. E. Nauryzbekova worked as a senior specialist in the Department of Financing of National Economy Sectors of the Zhambyl City Financial Management.

From 1996 to the present, A. E. Nauryzbekova has continuously worked in various positions at our university, starting as a teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor of the Department, head of the Department of Master's Degree and Ph. D. doctoral programs of the Department of Postgraduate Education, director of the publishing house "Taraz Universiteti" and Vice-rector for Educational Work, Public Relations and Social Issues.

In 2003, A. E. Nauryzbekova defended her PhD thesis at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the specialty 08.00.01-Economic theory on the topic "Trends and features of small business development in regional conditions". She has published more than 30 articles in international, national and regional scientific publications. He is the author of 3 teaching aids and 1 monograph, provides scientific guidance for master's theses in the specialty "Economics". In 2006-the winner of the competition of scientific projects and the winner of the grant of the Consortium for Economic Research and Education EERC (Moscow). From 2003 to 2010. Naurazbekova A. E. was a scientific and technical editor of the scientific journal "Vestnik tarsu". His research interests include the development of small and medium-sized businesses at the regional level, the economic nature of corruption and its socio-economic consequences.

In the position of Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Social Affairs from 2010-2018 A.E Nauryzbekova  oversees the implementation of state youth policy in our University. During that period of time her work has been renewed and enhanced the role of the Institute of curators established the School of curators, organized the work of more than 12 student youth unions, and resumed the work of Student construction brigades, strengthened work on prevention of crime and religious extremism among young people, as well as work on the formation of anti-corruption culture among students. A.E Naurazbekova  coordinated the  work on the public events, aimed at Patriotic education of students, and primarily on support and implementation of all initiatives of the Head of the State N. And. Nazarbayev has been repeatedly appreciated by the State Secretary of Kazakhstan G. N. Abdykalikova, Kazakhstan's Ambassador to Russia I.Tasmagambetov, akim of the region K.Kokrekbayev, rectors of universities of Kazakhstan and honorary citizens, veterans, heads of the region and supported by the student youth.

At the initiative of A.E.Nauryzbekova the faculty of social professions has been transformed into a Creative center where the Amateur creative student groups in various genres of art, like dance ensembles "Aray", "Asylai", "Gauhartas", "Karahan", "" vocal-instrumental ensemble "University", student choir, orchestra of folk instruments, Studio models, which are annually engaged more than 400 students. In addition, the costume base was significantly replenished, which currently amounts to about 2000 units. The concert costumes of the Creative Center, made at a high design level, are famous far beyond the region. Students working in the Creative Center are regular participants and winners of various creative festivals and competitions.

Educational work organized by A. E. Nauryzbekova was awarded with medals for the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the medal named after M. H. Dulati, as well as certificates for the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate, for holding the Asian Games Torch Relay, the Winter Universiade, various letters of thanks, etc.

Nauryzbekova A. E. is a member of the NDP "Nur Otan", from 2008 to 2013 she was a member of the Political Council of the Taraz branch of the NDP "Nur Otan", as well as a member of the Public Council for Combating Corruption. In 2010, she created and heads the Public Association "Women in Science and Politics" and is the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Aisha", as well as a member of the women's club of politicians at the Department for Women's Affairs of the Zhambyl region. The Public Association "Women in Science and Politics" participated in the implementation of projects to explain the gender policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The work carried out under the leadership of A. E. Nauryzbekova In the field of gender policy development, she was awarded the first place in the competition of the republican festival "Kanatty Ayel-2011".

Active public work is confirmed by numerous awards, diplomas, letters of thanks of the Governor's office of Zhambyl region, Department of youth policy of Zhambyl oblast Department of internal policy of Zhambyl region, the Republican training and methodological center of additional education of Zhambyl branch of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, construction Management, regional headquarters "Zhasyl El", Zhambyl regional court, Department of the interior, etc.
