The main objectives of educational and methodical work at the faculty are to improve the organization of the educational process, its intensification, increasing the efficiency of training highly qualified, competitive specialists.

S.S. Zhunusbekov, professor of the faculty, doctor of technical sciences, was one of the first in Kazakhstan to write a special technical textbook in the state language. His works written together with other colleagues "Fundamentals of Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity" (published by "Mektep", 1986), "Resistance of Materials (M.F. Urkimbayev, S. Junusbekov, publishing house "Mektep", 1986), "Details of machines" (M.F. Urkimbayev, S. Junusbekov, S.A. Aliyev, publishing house "Kaynar", 1992) and others.

Until 1990s, only the faculty trained mechanical engineers on specialty 4404 - "Mechanization of land reclamation works", so the educational-methodical association existed only at this faculty. The teaching staff of the faculty was actively engaged in the elaboration of the curricula for this specialty for the whole republic.


The professorial-teaching staff of the faculty consists of 98 units. Five of these doctors are sciences: S. S. Zhunusbekov, I. S. Tlegenov, S. M. Myrzashev, O. A. Suleimenov, Zh. S. Tulenbaev. Over 65% of the total number of teachers have academic titles and degrees.

In different years in the development of the faculty participated well-known scientists A. Kenzhebaev, T. M. Junusbekov, B. Satkei, J. O. Kadyrov, Y. V. Dubsky, K. E. Kubaev, N. S. Sultankulov, J. Kassymbekov, V. I. Kozlikin, K. Aktokalov, B. Akhmetov, M. S. Sultankulov, J. Kasymbekov, I. Kozkin, K. Aktolov, B. Akhmetov, M. Tyndybekov, S. Baubekov, Y. Kurlyandsky, M. Kasabekov, B. Orazaliyev and M. Makhanov; significant contributions were made by F. I. Kim, M. Kh. Butabaev, Sh. M. Otarbaev, B.K. Ibyldaev, Z.B. Suleimenov, A. Vaisbekker, A. V. Makarov, B. Taizhanov, etc. The results of scientific works of doctor of technical sciences Rashid Bakirov were presented in the republican exhibitions, fairs and exhibitions of international class in Laos, People's Republic of China and Turkey. Professor R.Bakirov established scientific ties with scientists from the CIS countries, Arab Republic, Egypt, People's Republic of China and Turkey.

In 1999 at faculty has been organized the international scientifically-practical conference "Machine-building at a stage of market economy: problems and ways of development", the Concept of development of mechanical engineering in the Republic of Kazakhstan is confirmed.

Professor S. Myrzashev, who led the faculty for almost 25 years, despite the fact that during the history of the university its structure has changed repeatedly, while maintaining the integrity of the faculty, the strengthening of educational and industrial base, stabilization of young professionals has helped a lot.

For the teaching process and state budgetary and other scientific-research works, the faculty has scientific-research laboratories, study rooms, computer rooms, classrooms and laboratories equipped with interactive boards, specialized auditoriums and teaching-scientific laboratories.

The faculty has 2 mechanical workshops equipped with metal-cutting machines and intended for carrying out studies and experiments, creating laboratory and experimental units for scientific-research works.

Part of the laboratory and practical scientific-research works, performed with the participation of students and educational process, are conducted at the best enterprises and institutions of the city and region.
