Scientific-research work of the Faculty is characterized by the supervision of scientific work of Master students and students by the teachers, participation of teachers and students in creative competitions and exhibitions, subject Olympiads, as well as the implementation of research results in specific projects.

Researchers of the faculty contribute to the development of national science.

Due to work in the field of education and science scientists of the faculty Zhunusbekov T.M. (2005), Myrzashev S. (2007, 2012), I. Tlegenov (2008, 2018), R. Bakirov (2009), A. Askarova (2012), A. Semernin (2012), M. Ibyldaev (2016), M. Bekmuratov, K. Shilibek (2017), S. Orynbaev (2018) received the rank of "Best University Teacher". Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientists B. Manapbaev (2015), M. Ibyldaev (2016), S. Orynbaev (2017) won the state scientific scholarship of the MES RK for scientists and specialists who made a significant contribution to science and technology. Candidate of Technical Sciences K. Shilibek won the competition "Shapagat - 2012" in the category "Best Inventor" for 17 inventions, he was awarded a gold medal and a special diploma of the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Professor S. Myrzashev is engaged in research and development of young scientists to create promising work tools adaptable to the soil conditions of earthmoving machines in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Under his leadership in Kazakhstan research and development work on the creation of working tools of earth-moving machines adapted to soil conditions has been carried out. The best working tool samples of self-adapting earth-moving machines were developed and tested under production conditions.

Professor I. S. Tlegenov conducts complex research work on "Underground energy-resource-saving bio-energy complex to produce biogas, biofuel, biohumus from domestic and agricultural production". The students of "Oil and gas" and "Biotechnology" specialties are involved into the research work.

Scientists of the faculty S. Myrzashev, I. Tlegenov, O. Suleimenov, M. Abdigaliyev, A. Raimbayev, B. Koyaidarov, M. Ibildayev, M. Seksenbayev, S. Orynbayev, B. Manapbayev, A. Kabdushev show their activity in the field of invention.

Every year, the faculty conducts more than 10 state-funded research projects (R&D). Faculty stuff participates in many international conferences, forums, seminars and competitions.

From 2008 to 2010 our young scientists Esnazarov E. K., Kokaev U. Sh., Krykbaev M. M., Zhylysbaev K. S., Manapbaev B. J., Tungatarova A. T., Borankulova G. S., Zhusip T. S. defended their PhD theses, and associate professor Tulenbaev J. S. - doctoral thesis.

In 2018 our young scientist A. Kabdushev defended his doctoral thesis on "Improving the quality of well completion using effective plugging materials" at K. Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University and became a PhD.

A senior teacher of the department "Oil and Gas" B. Manapbaev was awarded a scholarship under the international program of ITEC India, who completed a 2-month advanced course at the "Fluid Control Research Institute" (Fluid Control Research Institute) in Palakkad, Kerala, India.

Students of the 4th year of the specialty "Oil and Gas Business" (supervisor Kabdushev A.) in 2010 took part in the international competition "Petrobilim" in the V Eurasian Forum KazEnergy, where they took 13th place among 98 teams, and in the southern group 1st place.

Every year students of the specialty "Oil and Gas Business" take part in competition for educational grant, announced by Italian company "Agip CSR", where they have an opportunity to win an award of one year of study. In this competition, 7 students were awarded educational grants totalling 1,282,000 tenge.

Scientists of the faculty (K. Shilibek, U. Kokaev, B. Manapbaev, O. Kozhas) became winners of the regional Akim Award in the category "Science", which was awarded to support creative young people within the framework of state youth policy. Young scientists B. Manapbaev, A. Abildaev, R. Nusupali became winners of the competitions "Parasatty zhas galym - 2013", "EXPO - 2017 - through the eyes of youth", "Parasatty zhas galym - 2016".


In addition, the youth of the faculty regularly takes part in republican competitions: "Online EXPO-2017", "Rolex", "EXPO-2017 - the future of Kazakhstan", "Science Slam - Kazakhstan", "Startup Bolashak", "Youth competition of innovative projects" Nurintech ".

In 2017, the senior teacher of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering Department A. Abildaev won the Republican scientific competition "Gani Muratbayev Prize" in Kyzylorda region.

Scientists of the faculty actively develop students' research work. Over the past three years, students Zh. Koshkarbai became scholars of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, A. Bekbolov, I. Vasin, A. Serikov, I. Dyamurshaev, N. Samoilenko and B. Tuman became winners of the "Scientists of the Future" competition announced by the Foundation of the First President Republic of Kazakhstan.

Zhalgasov, A. Sartai, A. Amankeldy, B. Kudaykul, S. Ramazanov - winners of the international and republican competition of scientific works, A.M. Apsamatov, G. Akshapanova, Zh. Abilmazhin - winners and prize-winners of the republican subject Olympiad.

The I degree diploma was awarded to students N.Yu. Daribaev and N.N. Isanov, who took part in the VIII International Scientific Research Forum of Students in Moscow, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in 2016.

The faculty produces various scientific and technical products based on the work of student scientific circles "Zhas Munayshy", "Tulpar", "Mechanic", "Radio Beacon", "Computer Technologies", "Mechanical Engineer". In the educational process, experimental installations and research methods are implemented in the teaching process..

The head of "Transport equipment and technologies" department Semernin A.N. presented the results of scientific research of the department, as well as the exposition presented by the institute at the regional competition "The best goods and services of industrial and innovative direction in Zhambyl region."

The working equipment of a single-lever excavator with a self-sharpening bucket cutting edge, developed as a result of research and development carried out under the scientific supervision of M. A. Abdigaliev, is used in the production of a high-performance and highly efficient soil cultivator based on the T-130, DP-26S tractor.

Professor S. Myrzashev tested a rotary throwing machine for extinguishing fires in the field, associate professor B. Koyaydarov a biogas plant. Professor I. Tlegenov tested the development of the "foaming agent" and received the expert opinion. In the future, the "Model of the installation of an underground energy-saving bioenergy complex" is being developed and prepared for testing.
