Rakhimjan Kauymbaev

Position: Head of the Department

Academic degree: PhD

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Address: Building No. - , aud. -


The mission is to train competitive, innovative-minded and patriotically educated specialists who meet modern domestic and international criteria, as well as to create an elite scientific-intellectual and information-cultural environment in the Zhambyl region, contributing to its comprehensive economic growth and prosperity. The main tools contributing to the achievement of this mission are: the introduction of modern teaching methods into the educational process; problem-based learning; scientific research and ways of applying various innovations and research developments and techniques in practice

The objectives of the department involves providing in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of standardization, certification and product quality management. To achieve this goal, all conditions for the training of highly qualified specialists have been created at the department today. There are specialized interdepartmental laboratories of spinning and knitting industries, computer classes, interactive equipment. Modern teaching methods have been introduced into the educational process. Teachers improve their qualifications by going on republican and foreign internships.

Educational programs

Undergraduate Programs

6В07511 - «Standardization and quality management in industry»

6В07512 - «Metrology and metrological support in industry»

5B073300 - «Technology and design of textile materials»

6B07211 - «Innovative textiles»

5B071000 - «Materials Science and technology of new materials»

6B07116 - «Materials Science and technology of light industry materials»

6B07222 - «Innovative technologies of leather products»

Master Degree Programs

7В07511 - «Standardization and quality management in industry»

7В07512 - «Metrology and metrological support in industry»

7В07513 - «Standardization and quality management in industry»

7В07513 - «Metrology and metrological support in industry»

7M07219 - «Leather goods industry»(1 zhyldyk).

7M07215 - «Leather goods industry»(2 zhyldyk).

6M073300 - «Technology and design of textile materials»

7M07211 - «Innovative textiles»

6M071000 - «Materials science and technology of new materials»

7M07113 - «Materials science and technology of light industry materials»

Doctoral studies

8D07212 - «Innovative textiles»

8D07211 - «Leather goods industry»

The staff of the department
Rakhimjan Kauymbaev

Position: Head of the Department

Academic degree: PhD

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Shardarbek Mukhamedzhan Shardarbekuly

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Baitureev Agybai Mambetovich

Position: Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Джумабекова Гульзира Балтабаевна
Dzhumabekova Gulzira Baltabayevna

Position: Associate Professor

Ученая степень: PhD

Е-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Абзалбекулы Бекжан
Abzalbekuly Bekzhan

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: PhD

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Demeuova Gulbanu Borisovna

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: PhD

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Onlabekova Ainur Turgynbekovna

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: доктор PhD

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Rakhmanova Zhansaule Sergeevna

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences, доцент

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Mahanbetalieva Kamshat Torgaybayevna

Position: Acting Associate Professor

Academic degree: PhD

E-mail: -

Мыркалыков Бауыржан Сейтжанович
Myrkalikov Bauyrzhan Seitzhanovich

Position: Acting Associate Professor

Academic degree: PhD

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Khalmetova Shakhlo Tursynbayevna

Position: Acting Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Tashmukhamedov Farhad Rakhmadzhanovich

Position: Acting Associate Professor

Academic degree: PhD

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Oraz Gulzat Tayyrkyzy

Position: Senior Lecturer of the department

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Abutova Raykhan Dzhurabayevna

Position: Senior Lecturer of the department

Academic degree: Master of Technical Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Baigeldieva Meruert Khanatovna

Position: Senior Lecturer of the department

Academic degree: Master of Technical Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Baidildaeva Asel Kuanyshevna

Position: Teacher

Academic degree: Master of Technical Sciences

E-mail: -

Baidildaeva Asel Kuanyshevna

Position: Senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Technical Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Sarybaeva Elvira Ermekovna

Position: Senior lecturer

Kasymova Galiya Askerbekovna

Position: Teacher

Academic degree: Master's degree

Yusupova Laura Hamidovna

Position: Senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master's degree

Korabayeva Aimerey Oralkhankyzy

Position: Lecturer of the department

Academic degree: Master of Technical Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Aitokpak Symbat Sarsenbikyzy

Position: Lecturer of the department

Academic degree: Master of Technical Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Burdeeva Svetlana Nikolaevna

Position: Head of the laboratory

Nametbayev Galimzhan Sharipovich

Position: Engineer

Academic degree: Master of Engineering and Technology

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Ermekbaeva Kymbat Makhanovna

Position: training master

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Medetova Ulzana Keshubayevna

Position: training master

Academic degree: Master of Technical Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Niyazbekova Rima Kalmanbayevna

Position: Professor


In order to develop scientific potential and improve the quality of educational and methodological work, the department established contacts with foreign partners, concluded an agreement on mutual creative cooperation with

  • Kaunas University of Technology;
  • Nizhny Tagil Institute of Technology
  • Ural State Technical University named after B.N.Yeltsin (Russia);
  • institute of Innovative Technologies of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education;
  • Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G.Razumovsky (Russia);
  • Textile Academy;
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology;
  • Moscow State University of Food Industry;
  • Tashkent Institute of Light and Textile Industry;
  • JSC "Membrane Engineering and Technology" (Moscow);
  • NTC "Vladipor" (Vladimir);
  • NPP "Biocon" (Moscow);
  • KazNII LLP for processing agricultural products (Astana).

The following industrial and scientific organizations are partners in the implementation of bachelor's and master's degree programs:

  • TarazKozHobuv LLP;
  • Fabrika-POSH-Taraz LLP;
  • LLP "Training center "Expert"";
  • LLP "ZHZMK Imstalcon";
  • Department of the Technical Regulation Committee of the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Zhambyl region;
  • RSE ZHF "Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification";
  • Bidaulet LLP, etc.

In general, contracts have been concluded with 10 enterprises.

In accordance with the agreements, there are also branches in Fabrika POSH-Taraz LLP, ZHZMK Imstalcon LLP

Graduate model

A bachelor's degree graduate can carry out professional activities (organizational and managerial, production and technological, research, design) related to obtaining new materials, which is aimed at ensuring and improving the quality and safety of light industry products.

Upon graduation, the graduate is prepared, in particular, to solve the following professional tasks:

  • a) organizational and managerial activities: organization of the development of measures to improve and control the quality of products, and production, testing and operation; control over the testing of finished products and incoming material resources to the enterprise, the introduction of modern methods and measuring instruments, control over the manufacture and testing of products;
  • b) production and technological activities: ensuring the fulfillment of tasks to improve the quality of products, to improve metrological support; determination of the nomenclature of measured and controlled parameters of products and technological processes, optimal standards of measurement accuracy and reliability of control, selection of measuring instruments, testing and control, development of methods of measurement, testing and control;
  • c) research activities: analysis of the state and dynamics of product quality; development of plans, programs and methods for testing, measuring and quality control of textile and leather and fur products;
  • d) project activity: development of design and technological solutions in the field of product quality assurance; use of modern information technologies in the design of quality management tools and technologies.

A graduate who has mastered the bachelor's degree program has the following competencies:

Knowledge of the requirements for leather, textile and synthetic materials for the manufacture of light industry products; The ability to assess the suitability of materials for a particular light industry product; determine the main parameters when choosing technological modes of shoe manufacturing; based on in-depth knowledge of the structure and properties of materials, their assortment, and their quality assessment, have the skills to make an informed choice of materials for shoes.

Knowledge of ways to obtain new textile materials; innovative technologies in the production of textile products.


6B07511-Standardization and quality management in industry

6B07512-Metrology and metrological support in industry

Be able to:

- design new drafts of regulatory documents as part of the team;

- justify the choice of conformity assessment schemes for products and services;

- give metrological characteristics of devices and equipment;

- monitor compliance of developed projects and technical documentation with standards, technical conditions and other regulatory documents;

- develop design and working documentation of technical conditions and standards;

- conduct an examination of the quality of LTP products;

- give a commodity evaluation of raw materials and finished products;

- fill in product catalog sheets;

- use the electronic database of regulatory documents;

- conduct organoleptic evaluation of products and formalize the results;

- apply quality control tools in production environments;

- make an evidence base of technical regulations of the customs Union.

- be able to analyze measurement schemes of various physical quantities, determine measurement errors;

- be able to use legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on Metrology and standardization;

- the main technical and design characteristics of products, principles and methods for assessing the level of product quality, the specifics of choosing product quality indicators;

- methods and means of product quality control;

- perform calculations of measurement errors and evaluation of measurement results;

- solving problems related to product quality control to improve production;

- collection and processing of raw data for standardization; possess information to correctly approach the development and adoption of new progressive solutions that allow you to produce products and sell them in the Republic and abroad;

work with techniques for detecting and diagnosing problems, as well as troubleshooting methods.

Know and understand:

- main provisions of the technical regulation system;

- development of national and international regulatory frameworks;

- rules and procedure for certification;

- classification of measurement according to the measurement types;

- mathematical models of measured values and measuring instruments;

- methodology for detecting and eliminating errors in design and technological documentation and in the organization of production;

- FMEA analysis (a method for analyzing the types and consequences of failure);

- QFD analysis (deployment of quality functions);

- ways to identify the causes of product defects;

- model of the quality management system according to international standards of the ISO 9000 series.

- know the methods of processing measurement results, General laws and rules of technical measurements, terms and definitions;

- methods for processing measurement results, the theory of obtaining B, methods for processing measurement results and metrological characteristics of SI, etc.;

- types of LTP products, their properties and features;

- technical control services, tasks and functions of the TC;

- methods of quality control;

- processing of control results; types of NTD, methods and methods of development and implementation in production;

- the main directions of development of metrological support of production and ways of effective use of scientific and technical achievements in this field;

- unity and accuracy of measurements, rules of metrological preparation and execution of verification works, processing and registration of their results.

Be competent in matters of:

- qualimetries;

- metrological support of production;

- schemes of confirmation of conformity;

- technical regulation in the EAEU;

- unification and optimization in production;

- planning and processing of test results;

- control and supervision of compliance with the certification rules and the quality of certified products.

- in professional matters in this specialty;

- metrological support of production;

- monitoring and updating the reference base, verification equipment, measuring instruments;

- organization of work on verification, calibration of measuring instruments, certification of test equipment;

- work with the registry of the GSI of the Republic of Kazakhstan, web services in the field of technical regulation and Metrology and the EEC.

Certificate of specialized accreditation