Reception phone: 8 (7262) 45-23-44

Address: Taraz, Tole bi str., 60

Faculty mission

The University has research teams that carry out applied and scientific research and have significant developments in the field of information systems, chemical technology of inorganic substances, food, textile and shoe industries, design, automation of production and processes. The high-quality composition of the teaching staff makes it possible to train competitive and highly qualified personnel, which is one of the integral components of the industrial development of Kazakhstan

It should be noted that the research results of the staff of our faculty were highly appreciated by foreign experts. Thus, our university is doing everything possible to promote scientific achievements and train competitive personnel and, being open for cooperation, is moving to the European level. Specialists are being successfully trained for chemical enterprises in Kazakhstan on the basis of a network campus in cooperation with the D.I. Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology and Kazphosphate LLP, the leader of chemical production in the region.

Continuing the traditions as one of the oldest departments of Taraz Regional University, teachers of the Faculty of Technology contribute to the continuous development of science and technology in the Southern region of our country. The faculty staff, feeling full responsibility to society, invariably follow the principles of mutual respect and trust both within the team and with students, improves in professional creativity and passion, adheres to the principles of maintaining team spirit and common goals.

The Faculty has extensive international relations. Thus, close contacts and business cooperation were established with leading scientific and educational centers in the USA, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, France, Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan. Joint scientific projects are being implemented in the field of chemical, food and electronic industries, as well as Erasmus+ educational projects for educational programs in the field of light industry.

Dean's office

Dean of the faculty

Candidate of technical Sciences

Contact phone: 8 (7262) 45-23-44

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Address: Taraz, Tole bi str., 60 2.1-406

Ask a question


Deputy Dean for Academic and Methodological Work


Contact phone: 8 (7262) 45-23-44

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Address: Taraz, Tole bi str., 60 2.1-406


Deputy Dean for Academic and Methodological Work

Master of Engineering

Contact phone: 8 (7262) 45-23-44

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Address: Taraz, Tole bi str., 60 2.2-402


Deputy Dean for Research

PhD, associate professor

Contact phone: 8 (7262) 45-23-44

Mobile phone: 87016680845

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Address: Taraz, Tole bi str., 60

Baibazarova Elvira

Deputy Dean for Educational Work

Master of Chemistry

Contact phone: 8 (7262) 45-23-44

Mobile phone: 8 (707)1626585

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Address: Taraz, Tole bi str., 60 2.1-406


Department of textiles, materials science and standardization 

  • On October 12, 2023, the grand opening of the «Shoe Center» took place as part of the REILEAP project. The center includes two classrooms: 2.4.111 and 2.3.117.Fully funded by the Erasmus+ program, the center is equipped with modern equipment: a 3D scanner, a 3D printer, a penetrometer to determine the water permeability of leather, sewing machines, a press for cutting out shoe parts, 3 monoblocks, and computers that allow to work with 3D programs and other types of equipment.
  • On November 24, 2023, the teachers of the department, Associate Professor Jumabekova G.B. and Master Baidildaeva A.K. took part online in the conference «Innovative aspects of leather industry 2023», held at Ege University in Turkey. The reports «Study of the hygienic properties of leather for shoe uppers» and «Analysis of leather-footwear industry waste» were presented at the conference.
  • On December 15, 2023, senior lecturer of the department Sarybayeva Elvira Ermekovna successfully defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the topic «Development of the principles of reducing the material intensity of knitted fabrics by improving their structure» in the dissertation council on specialty: 6D073300 –Technology and design of textile materials at Almaty Technological University.
  • On December 25, 2023, senior lecturer of the department Oraz Gulzat Taerkizi successfully defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the topic "Development and implementation of an effective quality system of production and classification of beef taking into account the requirements of international standards» in the dissertation council on specialty: 6D073200-«Standardization and Certification» at the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University.

Department of chemistry and chemical technology 

  • On May 21, 2023, a network campus in the CIS countries was opened for the first time in Almaty and on May 29 at Taraz Regional University. This program was created on the basis of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Taraz Regional University, as well as together with the RKTU named after D.I. Mendeleev and the State Research Institute «KAZPHOSPHATE» At the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, students of the Russian Chemical University named after D.I. Mendeleev study on the basis of a two-diploma program.
  • «Science with a Purpose: Improving Environmental» under the American Councils for International Education Kazakhstan Universities Partnerships Funding program, proposed in conjunction with the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology at the University of Nebraska (USA) and Taraz Regional University named after M.H Dulati International Science Project «Science Capacity in Kazakhstan Universities» won a grant of $38,000 for 2021-2022. Project performers: Associate Professor Masalimova Bakytgul Kabykenovna and PhD Kalmakhanova Marzhan Seitovna.
  • The head of the department - PhD Kalmakhanova M.S. won a grant on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects on the topic «Identification and treatment of pollutants that pose a danger to wastewater from urban treatment facilities in Kazakhstan». The cost of the project is 62,194,330 tenge.
  • Under the «Жас ғалым» project for 2022-2024, R.M. Kudaibergenova won grant funding on the topic «Development of membrane materials for water treatment». The cost of the project is 19 million tenge.
  • 4-6.10.2023 At the competition among students of higher educational institutions «Student Energy Challenge» organized by the company «Kazenergy» in Astana, the team «Scientists» consisting of 4-year students, won the prize first place, gaining the most points among 15 teams.
  • The composition of the group: Kanatbek Ulzhan, Ismail Ayaulym, Darkhanbek Ayaulym,     Kanzhan Ayaulym.Project Manager: Marzhan Seitovna Kalmakhanova, PhD

Department of design and fashion industry

  • Honorary diploma in honor of the «Day of Light Industry Workers» is awarded to professor S.E.Munasipov for his contribution to the development of the industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana 2023)
  • For merits in providing quality education to the younger generation, professional successes achieved and contribution to education, B.M.Ualiev is awarded an honorary diploma (Astana 2023)
  • In the Kazakhstan quality organization under the program «Internal auditor of the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 (ST RK ISO 9001-2016) (No.23.033.20)» associate professor Kelesova U.S. successfully completed theoretical training, passed theoretical exams and received a certificate of internal auditor of the quality management system (October 31, 2023).
  • April 12, 2023 in honor of the professional holiday of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Day of Scientists»:
  • For the best achievements of science in 2022, the winner's diploma is awarded to the Department of Design and Fashion Industry (Taraz 2023);
  • In the nomination «For effective leadership of students' research work», associate Professor U.S. Kelesova (Taraz 2023);
  • «In the nomination Rating of scientific activity for the 2021-2022 academic year the year» is awarded to senior lecturer Mukaeva A.M. (Taraz 2023);
  • In the nomination «Rating of scientific activity for the 2021-2022 academic year», a certificate of honor is awarded to senior lecturer Smagulova G.S. (Taraz 2023);
  • In the nomination «Rating of scientific activity for the 2021-2022 academic year», a certificate of honor is awarded to senior lecturer Pernebaeva R.A. (Taraz 2023).
  • At the republican competition of young designers «Жемчужина-дизайн»nomination «Этнография» with a diploma of the 3rd degree, 3rd year student of 6B02111-Fashion design Bekturganova Shirailym, head senior lecturer Bayuzakova G.S. and 6B02111-Fashion design 4th year students Kosareva Veronika, Arashapova Ayaulym, head senior lecturer Smagulova G.S. awarded with a diploma of 3 degrees.
  • In the creative competition for students of colleges and universities «Тәуелсіздікке тарту» , organized by the Union of Ethnodesigners of Kazakhstan and the Kazakh National Pedagogical University Abai was attended by 1st year student 6B02111-Fashion design Kenes Gulnazim and 5th year student 6B02111-Fashion design Kaparbekovna Altynai, head associate Professor Zhapparova A.K. took 2nd place (Almaty 2023)
  • By order of the akim of Zhambyl region dated April 11, 2023, senior lecturer Smagulova G.S. is awarded the badge «For services to the region» (certificate No.03172) (Taraz 2023)
  • For decent work in the name of prosperity, who made a significant contribution to the development of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, senior lecturer Smagulova G.S. awarded with a certificate of honor (Astana, 2023)

Department of automation and telecommunications

  • In the priority area of «Energy and Mechanical Engineering», the project of Ph.D., Professor M.S. Junisbekov on the topic «Intelligent street lighting-an optimized general control system for autonomous LED luminaries with a highly effective and durable electronic control mechanism» was submitted to the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and won funding. for a grant amount of 74 million tenge.
  • At the Polish University, senior lecturer of the department I.B.Shedreeva defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic «Analysis of body temperature on optical parameters of oblique Bragg gratings» on May 8, 2023.
  • In the 2023-2024 academic year, Ph.D., Professor M.S. Dzhunisbekov became the winner of the competition «The best university teacher-2023».

Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics

  • The article Adsorption Behavior of Multi-Component BTEX on the Synthesized Green Adsorbents Derived from Abelmoschus esculentus L. Waste Residue has been published. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2023 | Journal article DOI: 10.1007/s12010-023-04556-0 EID: 2-s2.0-85153375294 Part of ISSN: 15590291 02732289 CONTRIBUTORS: Isinkaralar, K.; Meruyert, K.2023 (Quartile-Q2. Percentile-91) head of the department Keikimanova Meruyert.
  • In the academic year 2022-2023, Aisha Kadirimbetova took second place in the «Best Manager» competition
  • In the academic year 2022-2023, Moldataeva Sulushash took first place in the competition «Best Curator of the Year 2023»
  • On March 29, 2023, Kasenova Tolkyn defended her dissertation on the topic «Study of the connection between the theory of knots and models of statistical mechanics» at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, according to the results of the dissertation defense council, a Doctor of Philosophy was given in «Physics».
  • In the academic year 2022-2023, Kasenova Tolkyn became the winner of the «Best University Teacher 2022» competition.
  • In 2023, N.N. Mamyraly, «Mathematics and teaching Mathematics» educational program student under the guidance of senior lecturer Sh.K.Egemberdi, received the qualification of «Student researcher».
  • In 2022-2023, «Mathematics and teaching mathematics» and «Mathematics and statistics» educational programs students Satkozhaeva E.B. and Mamyraly N.N. became holders of a Presidential scholarship, as well as students Satkozhaeva E.B., Mahmut A.Zh. and Mamyraly N.B. became holders of the scholarship «Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation named after Elbasy». 

Department of information systems

  • Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems, PhD Murzakhmetov Aslanbek Nurbekovich became the holder of the Bolashak scholarship. The scientific internship is planned for 1 year in the direction of «big data analysis» at the University of Illinois, one of the leading educational institutions in the USA.
  • Bakhyt Shynzhyrbekovna received a certificate of recognition of a foreign document on the award of an academic degree in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a PhD diploma from the Republic of Poland of the Lublin University of Technology.
  • 4th year student of the educational program 6B06120-Software Engineering Tlepbayev Erbol won the nomination «Best student-2023» in Zhambyl region.
  • Department of Applied Informatics and Programming

  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M. B. Tlebaev was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Bayzak district", December 9, 2021.
  • In the 2023-2024 academic year, under the program of external academic mobility, a bachelor's student of OP 6B06113 – "Programming and Software Development" Zhumabek A. was sent to the Lublin Technical University (Order No. 578 of 09/26/2023, paragraph 1.2).
  • From 30.01.23 to 3.02.23, at the 2nd stage of the republican Olympiad, the commission was She was awarded a letter of thanks by the head of the Department of Education of the city of Taraz Kozhamzharova R.D., for her contribution to the identification of gifted children in computer science.
  • Tazhieva R.N. was awarded a letter of thanks for the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Nur Otan", 2022.
  • In the 2022-2023 academic year, senior lecturer of the Department of Applied Informatics and Programming Tazhieva R. N. took part in the competition "The best multimedia product of the university" and took the first place in the nomination "The best open lesson". In the nomination "Innovative content of the discipline", the teacher of the department Esenalieva M. K. took the second place.
  • For many years of fruitful work in the field of education, a great contribution to the training and education of capable, professional specialists, senior lecturer of the Department of Applied Informatics and Programming Tazhieva Rysty Narbayevna was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the city of Taraz. Secretary of the Taraz city maslikhat B. Kulekeyev, 2022.
  • Baizharikova M.A. was awarded a letter of thanks for sponsorship and support in the development of the educational institution on the eve of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Tuymekent village 2022.
  • Baizharikova M. A., awarded a certificate of honor for her contribution to the development of her native land within the framework of the program "Rukhani zhangyru" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the project "Zhomart tulek-2021".
  • Baizharikova M. A., awarded a letter of thanks from the first president, 2021.
  • Baizharikova M. A., awarded a letter of thanks by the director of the Zhetybai village school, Zh. K. Kultaev.
  • Mombayev K. Zh., awarded a letter of thanks in honor of the Teacher's Day holiday on behalf of the rector of the University, 2022.
  • Yesenalieva M. K. was awarded a letter of thanks on behalf of the Rector of the University in honor of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, combining education and scientific research of students, 2022..
  • Our students who participated in the republican hackathon contest "Atyrau SmartTeam Hackathon", which took place from 21.04. to 04/22/2023 among universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Two groups participated. The winners of group 1 were awarded with a Diploma of the II degree and a monetary reward in the amount of 150,000 tenge. And our 2nd project was awarded with a letter of thanks and a monetary reward in the amount of 25,000 tenge. The scientific supervisor of the group is a senior lecturer at the Department of Applied Informatics and Programming, Master's degree - Domcharieva Zhanagul Yesenovna.
  • Students of the Department of Applied Informatics and Programming Shabdenbek Ansar, Ukibayeva Yerkezhan, Akhmetkaliev Anizar, Baiterekov Chingizgoryai entered the top ten among forty teams, having received monetary sponsorship for the Startup Orda project from AstanaHub, IT business ideas at IDEA-BATTlE, 2023. The scientific leader of the group is senior lecturer of the department of “Applied Informatics and Programming”, master’s degree - Mamatayeva Dilnoza Umarovna.
Our alumnus

PhD, and. about. Associate Professor of the Taraz Regional University named after M. Kh. Dulati. Studied in the specialty 6D060600- "Chemistry", 2016-2019.


graduation of the 2018 academic year Member of the tourist information center of management "Taraz tourism" of the Akimat of Zhambyl region


graduation in 2020 with a degree in Standardization and Certification of Industrial Goods and Services. Deputy General Director for Organizational Development and Personnel Management of OJSC RT Labs (subsidiary of OJSC Rostelecom).


2017 graduate in specialty 6M073200- "Standardization and certification" (Master's degree). Director of the RSE ZhF "Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification"


2005 graduate in specialty in the specialty "Standardization and certification of industrial goods and services." Deputy Director of the Astana branch of the National Center for Expertise and Certification JSC.


2004 graduation in specialty in the specialty "Standardization and certification of industrial goods and services" Today he works as a Deputy Director of the Department of Regional Development of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" in Nur-Sultan.


2008 graduate in specialty in the specialty 050732- "Standardization, metrology and certification", 2014 master's degree in the specialty 6M075000- "Metrology". Currently works as a chief specialist of the Zhambyl branch of the RSE "Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification".


2014 graduation in the specialty 5В073200- "Standardization, certification and metrology", qualification - bachelor in the specialty Standardization, certification and metrology. Chief Expert of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry.


graduation of the 2016 academic year "Administrator of the hotel complex" ArkMS "


graduation of the 2016 academic year Director of restaurants "Inzhu - Marzhan", "Gaugartas"


Dean of the Faculty of Light Industry and Design, Almaty Technological University She graduated from the magistracy in 2011 with a degree in 6M073300 Technology and design of textile materials


Deputy Dean for Academic and Methodological Work of the Faculty of Light Industry and Design, Almaty Technological University. She studied in the magistracy 2012-2014 in the specialty 6M071000 Materials science and technology of new materials


Head of the tops production workshop at "POSH-Taraz Factory" LLP Studied in the magistracy 2013-2015 in the specialty 6M073300 Technology and design of textile materials


Head of Logistics and Procurement Department at AzalaTextile LLP He graduated from the bachelor's degree in June 2008 in the specialty 050726 Technology of goods of textile and light industry


The faculty pays great attention to the scientific work of teaching staff and students. Over the past year, 112 articles recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been published. Including 47 articles in scientific journals included in JCR, Scopus, and 12 articles with a non-zero impact factor.

Faculty members are winners of various competitions and grants. For example, by the end of 2023, Ph.D., Professor M.S. Junisbekov and Master of Chemistry R.M. Kudaibergenova became the winners of the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «The best university teacher».  Earlier, the title of «Best University Teacher» of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded to PhD Doctor, Kasenova Tolkyn, PhD Doctor, Kalmakhanova Marzhan Seitovna, PhD, Associate Professor Abiev N.A. and PhD Associate Professor Keikimanova M.T., PhD, Professor A.Nurymbetov, PhD, Associate Professor G.Zhidekulova. The faculty pays great attention to the research work of students.

03.02.2023, students of the Department of Applied Informatics and Programming participated in the competition for submitting IT business ideas to the Startup IDEA-BATTLE competition from AstanaHub under the leadership of Mamatayeva D. kamand, out of 4 students Shabdenbek Ansar, Ukibayeva Yerkezhan, Akhmetkaliev Anizar, Baiterekov Chingizgoriai entered the top ten among forty teams, receiving monetary sponsorship in the amount of 500 thousand tenge

On October 05, 2023, in the intellectual team competition «Student Energy Challenge» among students of universities of Kazakhstan, the KAZENERGY Association in partnership and with the financial support of Shell Kazakhstan B.V., the team "Scientists" students of OP 6B05314-Chemistry Darkhanbek Ayaulym,

Ismail Ayaulym, Kanzhan Ayaulym, Kanatbek Ulzhan, under the scientific guidance of PhD doctor, Kalmakhanova Marzhan Seitovna, made it to the finals and became the winners of $ 5,000 for the implementation of the project.

In 2023, as a result of competitive selection, 9 university students were awarded the qualification of "Student Researcher": Mahmut Asima, Mamyraly Nazgul, Seksenbayeva Aizat, Duyseni Zhasulan, Serikbayeva Arailym, Begaly Merey, Yesengeldi Aruzhan, Satkozhaeva Elmira, Bekturganova Shyrailym.

In order to develop the dual education system, the faculty maintains close ties with manufacturing enterprises, IT companies and educational institutions of the city and region. For example, Kazphosphate LLP, JSC Sberbank, SEC Tuymekent, RMK Kazhydromet, Kazakh Research Institute of Water Management, Republican Radiological Center LLP, Astyk-Merki LLP, etc. Branches of departments are successfully operating on the basis of Kazphosphate LLP, where students master practical skills in their chosen specialty.

In 2023, a trilateral cooperation Agreement was signed within the framework of the educational cluster for the chemical industry between D.I. Mendeleev Russian Technical Technical University, M.H. Dulati TarRU and KAZPHOSPHATE LLP

In accordance with the developed program, students receive basic general education training in the 1st and 2nd years at the Taraz Regional University. In the 3rd year, when the development of special basic and core disciplines begins, students are sent to the RCTU, where they study for a year (5th and 6th semesters). The development of core disciplines, educational and production practices, as well as the completion of the thesis takes place on the basis of Kazphosphate LLP with the direct participation of production specialists along with teachers of the department.

Since the beginning of this academic year, 7 students have started studying under this program, who are currently studying at the RCTU in accordance with the developed curriculum.

On October 12, 2023, the ceremonial opening of the Shoe Center within the framework of the REILEAP project took place at the M.H.Dulati Taraz Regional University.

With full funding from the Erasmus+ program, the center is equipped with modern equipment: a 3D scanner, a 3D printer, a penetrometer for determining skin permeability, sewing machines, a press for cutting down parts of shoe blanks, 3 monoblocks and computers that allow you to work with 3D programs and other equipment.

In 2021, according to the double degree program, a 2nd–year undergraduate student of the specialty 7M06113–«Corporate Information Systems and Technologies» Gubareva R.V. is sent to study at the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza (Portugal).

The Faculty is expanding its partnership with leading universities in the near and far abroad. The work is carried out with the University of Lodz (Poland), Novosibirsk State University (Russia), the University of Kastamonu (Turkey), with several universities in Russia, Poland, Sweden, Turkey and Germany.

In 2023, teachers of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Kalmakhanova Marzhan to the University of Barcelona (Spain), Murzakhmetov Aslan Nurbekovich Department of Information Systems at Lincoln University (Great Britain), Karauylbayev Sapargali Kalymbetuly Department of Applied Informatics and Programming won a grant for training under the Bolashak program. to Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russian Federation).

The Faculty pays great attention to improving the professional qualifications of teaching staff. According to the PhD doctoral program at Lublin Technical University, the lecturer of the Department of Automation and Telecommunications I.B.Shedreeva and the lecturer of the Department of Information Systems Yeralieva Bakhyt successfully completed the doctoral program at Lublin Technical University and received a PhD degree. The educational programs of the faculty annually participate in the rating of educational programs conducted by NCE "Atameken" and show high opportunities for improving the learning system.

Educational and Methodical work

Methodological work is a set of measures aimed at providing the educational process with educational and methodological documentation, improving the pedagogical skills of teachers, improving the classroom and independent work of students, improving all forms, types and methods of educational work, taking into account the state and prospects for the development of industrial enterprises, organizations, institutions for which the University trains specialists.

The purpose of the methodological work is to create conditions that contribute to improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process. At the faculty level, methodological measures are implemented on a General faculty and inter-departmental scale, related to the training of specialists in the areas of the faculty.

Educational and methodological work is aimed at improving the methodology of teaching disciplines, providing direct methodological support for the educational process, implementing recommendations developed as a result of the implementation of the NMB, improving the pedagogical qualifications of the teaching staff, and includes:

  • drafting new educational programs for training specialists;
  • preparation of work programs for newly introduced disciplines, revision of existing programs;
  • setting up new and modernizing existing laboratory works;
  • development of methodological materials for monitoring students ' knowledge;
  • drawing up maps of the availability of educational and methodical literature, educational and methodical documentation for disciplines;
  • control visits to classes by Department heads: mutual visits to classes, participation in demonstration, open and trial classes;
  • development of educational and program documentation necessary for the educational process;
  • methodological support of production practices, development of individual task packages for them;
  • implementation of the results of scientific and methodological research and new information technologies in the educational process;
  • preparation of methodological support for students ' independent work.
Educational work

Educational work at the faculty is organized in accordance with the implementation plan for the policy objectives of the quality and based on the principles of unity of the educational system: the creation of methods and forms of educational process, development of creative thinking, moral and aesthetic culture, as well as comprehensive development of students living in multi-religious and multi-ethnic culture, formation of healthy lifestyle, formation of civil position and political-legal culture, the complex of educational measures for the development of a harmonious personality is implemented through socio-political and cultural events.

The faculty hosts numerous cultural events in various areas of the educational process. Scientific and practical conferences for students of various subjects; youth events; flash mobs, round tables; competitions of various creative genres (song and dance competitions, the Best design of a Dorm room, the best student food, etc.); sports competitions, sports Competitions; actions for the care of an orphanage, a home for a disabled child, a nursing home; meetings are organized with prominent public and political figures, representatives of law enforcement agencies, health authorities and various religious denominations, correspondents of TV channels and the Republican and regional mass media, writers, artists, etc.

The faculty's educational work plan was drawn up and approved based on the Tarru educational work plan for the 2023-2024 academic year. The faculty has a total of 2137 students. Including

In the 1st year-656 students;

In the 2nd year-586 students;

In the 3rd year-461 students;

In the 4th year - 396 students;

In the 5th year-38 students.

Total number of academic groups-48; total number of curators-92

The purpose of educational work: - to prepare professionally qualified, competitive specialists who are able to meet the requirements of the new time, to educate them in Kazakhstan patriotism, tolerance, high moral qualities, to form a harmoniously developed responsible person.

The educational institution adopted the "concept of educational work of Tarru named after M. H. Dulaty"in order to educate students in accordance with their knowledge, ability to adapt to changes in the market period, to be not indifferent to the fate and future of the nation, Patriotic and Patriotic. Based on this concept, an annual work plan has been developed for 7 areas of educational work, youth policy and development of the state language for each academic year. The educational work plan defines the strategic structure, priority directions and goals, the mechanism and terms of implementation of the educational work system at the University.

The main functions of educational work include:

  • implementation of educational work in accordance with the regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents MES RK, international and national quality standards, the Charter of the University;
  • development, approval of concepts, plans, etc., documents on the educational process, monitoring their implementation;
  • review of reports of departments on HR, curators of academic groups, and other public organizations on the state of educational work, measures to improve it, and implementation of planned activities on HR;
  • implementation of quality checks of plans and reports on HR of the Department, student public organizations of the faculty, their actual implementation;
  • planning and organizing the work of the Board of supervisors, the VR Council, the crime prevention Council, the anti-corruption Council, and the ethics Council;
  • assistance in creating favorable conditions for individual development and spiritual and moral formation of the student's personality;
  • improving the organization of educational work and promotion of healthy lifestyle in schools.

Educational work is carried out in 7 areas

  1. Organizational and methodological work
  2. Youth policy
  3. Civil and patriotic education
  4. Spiritual and moral education
  5. Anti-corruption and legal education
  6. Formation of a healthy lifestyle

Development of students' creativity
