Even during “sit-at-home” teaching “Foreign Languages” department doesn’t renege from its traditions. In winter and in spring the department teachers conduct visiting city and regional workshops for English teachers.

This year Taraz Association of Teacher sof English(ТАТЕ) and “Foreign Languages” department teachers have organized and conducted the workshop in the Zoomweb video conferencing platform. The workshop was attended by the teachers from city secondary schools and gymnasium schools (over 9 schools), by representatives from language schools, special boarding school (named after Aisha-bibi) for gifted girls, by teachers from rural schools (v. Sarykemer, v. Zhalpaktobe, v. Kogershin).

The work shop topic “Using Appsina Distance Learning” is very relevant in light of the forced transition to “sit-at-home” teaching. Instructor sopenly told how to use a variety of education platforms and online resources.

The work shop speakers were the department seniorteachers (assistant professors) - participants of “English language methodology and content development of online classes” project, organized by US embassy this academic year. Within the project framework, the teachers have mastered a wide range of internet tools for teaching a foreign language. They shared their new knowledge in this workshop.

Gribenyuk M.A., Master in pedagogy, has narrated about using Auto-Proctoring in Google Forms.

NurzhanovaA.R., Master in philology, currently studying at the University of Southern California, USA, under “Bolashak” international scholarship program in “Post secondary administration and student affairs”, introduced the audience to Flipgrid website. Inthiswebsite, teachersandstudentscan add their posts, video and audio to join debates and discussions..

MailybayevaA.I., Master in pedagogy, has prepared a presentation on how to use Google Jamboard interactive board in English classes.

RakhimovaYu.S., Master in philology, has presented Padletmulti functionals ervice features, which is also used as a virtual board, and has shown the audience ways to use it in your classes. During her presentationYuliya Sergeyevna has alsod weltuponad vantages of working in Zoom platform Session Roomsto discuss, perform group tasks or complete projects within the ongoing class.

It is customary to end any workshop by filling in a feed back questionnaire (Feed back form), which enables us to analyze pluses and deltas of the completed work,find out opinionsand wishes of the participants. This workshop was not an exception; during the workshop all participants have filled out the Feedback form in Google Forms.

Feed back forms have been analyzedand the analysis has shown that majority of participants have attended the workshopin order to gain new knowledge of how to use mobile applications in distance teaching as well as for professional development.

The waythe work shop has been organized and its content have also been marked as “Excellent” by most of interviewees (87% and 92%). The work shop audience has emphasized high competence and professionalism of the department teachers, who made their presentations (96%).  Vastmajority (92%) of teacher shas pointed out that the workshop was conducted in an interactive manner. Thet eachers will use the received knowledge in teaching not online only, but also for students’ independent work.

On the whole, according to the feed back questionnaire results, the participants are pleased with the workshop organization and content. They (91%) will advise their colleagues to take part in similar events held by our department in future.

The work shop listeners have expressed a desire to continue their participation in such workshops, and suggested topics for further consideration.

Taking in to account the wishe sof the work shopp articipants, the department teachers plan to continue cooperationin the way of secondary school teachers’ professional development attracting new participants, taking into account the main age group when choosing topics, and involving the workshop listeners as speakers in the workshop.

A pleasant end to the event was certificates and Letter of appreciation from A. Gaidar secondary school # 35 administration and teachers to the workshop organizers.

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