Zhamirova Ulmeken Shakirbaevna

Position: head of the Department, associate Professor

Academic degree: candidate of psychological Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Address: Building No. 1.3 , aud. 410


The strategic aim of the Department is to systematically build and develop the educational process and its material base, aimed at training competitive, professionally competent and Patriotic specialists at the world standards level.


  • providing the planning of psychological work in research programs for the study of the human factor.
  • improving the effectiveness of analysis of psychological, socio-psychological factors in human resource management, production and business processes, psychodiagnostic support for personnel certification, career guidance and professional selection;
  • improving the psychological study and support of learning and upbringing processes;
  • psychological counseling on a wide range of issues of psychological prevention and psychological correction.
  • organization of education and training of children with special educational needs in an educational institution.
  • improving the psychological work in the sphere of law enforcement.

The aim of the study program 6B03111 – “Psychology in the social sphere” is to train specialists who are competitive in the labor market and meet the requirements of employers for psychological support of production process subjects for their personal and social development based on scientific achievements in the sphere of psychology.

The aim of the study program 6B03112 – “Psychology in education” - training of highly qualified personnel with practical skills and leadership qualities through the introduction of innovative training technologies, competitive specialists in the field of education that meet modern quality requirements for specialists with higher education, specialists for psychological support of educational process subjects in educational institutions of various types for their personal and social development based on scientific achievements in the sphere of pedagogics and psychology.

The staff of the department
Zhamirova Ulmeken Shakirbaevna

Position: head of the Department, associate Professor

Academic degree: candidate of pedagogical Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Turdalieva Sholpan Tursynbaevna

Position: associate Professor

Academic degree: candidate of psychological Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Sarybekova Zhanat Tulenovna

Position: Professor

Academic degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Sances Martines Manuel

Position: Professor

Academic degree: Doctor of Psychological Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Kerimbayeva Risti Kaldykhanovna

Position: associate Professor

Academic degree: candidate of pedagogical Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Аbdrahmanova Aigul Tursynbaevna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Psychological Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Sailybeava Kuralai Abdimalikovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Psychological Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Usenova Sandugash Meirambekovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Psychological Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Mirkasimova Madina Anvarbekovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Sarbasova Venera Nugmanovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Psychological Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Baibosynova Raushan Temirgalievna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Psychological Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Maemerova Madina Zhumabaiqyzy

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Togaeva Aidana Altaevna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Social Sciences

Daurenbekova Asel Karibaevna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Danekeeva Aigul Bakytbekovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Psychological Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Abdybayeva Gulsara Mukashevna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Psychological Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Sembaeva Gulzat Pernebekovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Pedagogy and Psychology

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Makhanova Aygul Nurlanovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Psychological Sciences

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Sadyrova Ulmira Abdikarimkyzy

Position: lecturer

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

Akilova Nazira Abdirasilovna

Position: lecturer

E-mail: Бұл электронды пошта мекен-жайы спам-боттардан қорғалған. Көру үшін сіздің браузеріңізде JavaScript қосулы тұруы тиіс.

  • I. Arabaev Kyrgyz state University
  • Al-Farabi Kazakh national University
  • Municipal state institution Taraz city interdepartmental psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation of the Department of education of Zhambyl region akimat - Director-Malikova Aizhan Sharikhanovna
  • KSU – "Rehabilitation center" Taraz, Director Baituganova Lyaila Shaimerdenova
  • Zhambyl regional mental health center.
Graduate model

The graduate of The Bachelor's degree, trained on the study program 6B03111-Psychology in the social sphere, is required to become an academic Bachelor of social knowledge on specialty 6B03111-"Psychology in the social sphere".

The sphere of professional activity of graduates who have studied on the study program 6B03111 - "Psychology in the social sphere" is educational and Advisory sphere, expert diagnostic, organizational and managerial.

Functions of professional activity:

  • - providing the assistance to a person in actual, retrospective and predictive aim setting and in solving problems of personal development;
  • - the ability to cognitively transform a person's cognitive and emotional experience in a changing information environment:
  • -providing  the construction of operational (tactical) and General (strategic) plans for human activities in the context of interpersonal communication, intra-group and inter-group interaction, professional formation and development;
  • - organization of psychological diagnostics, psychological correction measures and non-medical psychotherapy;
  • - provision of other social services without accommodation for elderly citizens and disabled people;
  • - activities of commercial, business, and public organizations;
  • - providing psychological services in the social sphere.

Areas of professional activity.

The activity of bachelors studying on the study program 6B03111 - "Psychology in the social sphere" is aimed at psychological support:

  • - professional activity in educational and industrial organizations;
  • - correctional work in preventive and medical organizations, penitentiary and correctional institutions.

Соntent of professional activity.


  • - psychological service in educational, training and vocational training organizations, in penitentiary institutions;
  • - scientific and psychological study of the processes of teaching and learning, upbringing and self-education in the context of social development and personal growth of a person;
  • - teaching psychological disciplines in mid-level educational organizations;
  • - use of modern technologies of inclusive education for children with special educational needs in educational institutions.

Organizational and management:

  • - psychological service at industrial enterprises and business organizations, formation of a constructive social and psychological climate in the workplace;
  • - identification and effective use of psychological reserves to increase labor productivity and harmonize interpersonal relationships in the workplace.


  • - competent and balanced application of various methods of psychological counseling in individual and group versions;
  • - providing psychological assistance to people in crisis situations.

Model of the graduate of the study program 7M03111 – “Psychology in the social sphere and professional activity” in the direction of training 7M031 – “Social Sciences”

A graduate of the master's degree program 7M03111 – “Psychology in the social sphere and professional activity” is awarded an academic degree: “master of psychology in the social sphere and professional activity”.   

Functions of professional activity:

  • professional activity in the social sphere;
  • ability to cognitively transform a person's cognitive and emotional experience in a changing information environment;
  • ensuring the construction of operational (tactical) and General (strategic) plans for human activities in the context of interpersonal communication, intra-group and inter-group interaction, professional formation and development;
  • correction work in preventive and medical organizations, penitentiary and correction institutions

Scientific research:

  • developing the plans and projects for empirical research in various branches of psychological science;
  • adequate application of invariant research schemes for analyzing various forms of mental reality;
  • methodological and methodical evaluation of the procedure and results of psychological research.

Expert diagnostic service:

  • implementation of expert psychological activities, including assessment and diagnostic procedures in the practice of professional selection, career guidance and certification of personnel;
  • adequate application of psychological knowledge in clinical practice and work on psychological correction of various forms of abnormal development and deviant behavior.

Organizational and management:

  • psychological service at industrial enterprises and business organizations, creating a constructive social and psychological climate in the workplace;
  • identifying and effective use of psychological reserves to increase labor productivity and harmonize interpersonal relationships in the workplace.


  • psychological service in organizations of education, upbringing and vocational training, in penitentiary institutions;
  • scientific and psychological study of the processes of teaching and learning, upbringing and self-education in the context of social development and personal growth of a person;
  • teaching psychological subjects in mid-level educational institutions;
  • use of modern technologies of inclusive education for children with special educational needs in an educational institution.


  • literate and balanced application of various methods of psychological counseling in individual and group versions;
  • the provision of psychological assistance to people in crisis situations.

The master must have fundamental scientific and professional training, possess modern information technologies, including methods for obtaining, processing and storing scientific information; be able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems; plan and conduct research, experimental research and psychological and pedagogical activities in the chosen scientific specialty.

Certificate of specialized accreditation